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. 2021 Jul 23;9:654210. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.654210


Studies regarding mesenchymal stromal cell-conditioned medium for treating diabetic wounds in animal models.

MSC source Method of tissue extraction MSC characterization Preparation of MSC-CM Model Groups of treatments and via of administration Follow-up (days) Assessment Main outcome Other outcomes
Zhang S. et al., 2020 Human umbilical cords Full-term delivered infants Flow cytometry (CD105+, CD73+, CD90+, CD166+, CD54+, CD13+, CD45−, CD34−, CD14−, CD19−, CD117−, HLA-DR−) MSCs of passages 3–4 at 80% confluence were used. CM was collected Murine. Diabetic model. Full-thickness excisional skin wounds, 800 mm2, on the back 150 μl subcutaneously injected around the wounds at six injection sites (25 μl per site) every day for three consecutive days
- Control (non-CM)
- FB
- UC-MSC-CM (n = 12/group)
14 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE), IHC, qRT-PCR UC-MSC and UC-MSC-CM treatment accelerated wound healing rate. The wound area of UC-MSC and UC-MSC-CM was ≈15% reduced compared with controls UC-MSC and UC-MSC-CM increased the percentage of M2 macrophages in the local wounds and the levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines, IL-10, and VEGF and significantly decreased the levels of proinflammatory cytokines, IL-1β, TNF-α, and IL-6
Saheli et al., 2020 Human bone marrow Flow cytometry (CD73+, CD90+, CD105+, CD34−, CD45−). Osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation MSCs of passage 4 at 80% were used. CM was then collected Murine. Diabetic model. Full-thickness excisional skin wounds, 20 mm long, on the chest proximal part intraperitoneal 50-fold concentrated DMEM or CM twice at 12 and 24 h after wounding intraperitoneally
- Control (no treatment)
- Placebo
- hBM-MSC-CM (n = 6/group)
15 Macroscopic appearance, histology (HE, MT), qRT-PCR MSC-CM accelerated diabetic wound closure (67% wound closure in CM group vs. 33% in placebo group, p < 0.05) MSC-CM treatment leads to upregulation of EGF and bFGF genes and higher cell viability/proliferation and migration
De Gregorio et al., 2020 Human subcutaneous adipose tissue samples from abdominal region Liposuction Flow cytometry (CD29+, CD13+, CD105+, CD73+, CD90+, CD235a−, CD31−, CD45−). Adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation MSCs of passage 3 at 70% confluence were used. Cells were supplemented with 400 μM DFX (preconditioned MSCs) or with saline (vehicle) as non-preconditioned MSCs. CM was then collected Murine. Diabetic mice. Full-thickness skin (2.5 mm × 3.5 mm) surgically removed from the dorsal surface of both feet, mimicking a foot ulcer Intravenous administration of 50 μl of CM every 2 weeks
- CM derived from DFX-preconditioned MSCs
- CM derived from non-preconditioned MSCs
- Vehicle (n = 6/group)
14 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE, MT), qRT-PCR, proteomic analysis MSC-CM accelerated wound healing. The wound area of MSC-CM was ≈20% reduced compared with controls at day 7 MSC-CM derived from DFX-preconditioned MSCs had a more potent effect in recovering the skin vasculature
Bian et al., 2020 Human placenta Cesarean section births Flow cytometry (CD73+, CD90+, CD105+, CD19−, CD34−, CD45−, HLA-DR−). Osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic differentiation MSCs of passages 3–7 were used. CM was collected, and EVs were obtained Murine. Diabetic model. Full-thickness excisional wounds, 16 mm, on the back 100 μl was injected around the wounds at 4 sites (25 μl per site)
- PBS (n = 5/group)
28 Photography, histology (HE, MT), IHC MSC-EVs significantly accelerated wound healing. The narrowest scar widths were observed at day 14 post-wounding (2.41 ± 0.24 mm in MSC-EVs group vs. 3.87 ± 0.60 mm in PBS group) CXCR4, p21 PCNA, and α-SMA were upregulated in the MSC-EV group
Raj et al., 2019 Human umbilical cord Umbilical cord dissection Flow cytometry (CD13+, CD29+, CD44+, CD90+, CD10−, CD14−, CD34−, CD117−) MSCs were transduced with a lentiviral vector (green fluorescence protein tagged). MSCs of passages 3–4 were used. CM was collected. Wound dressing patches: impregnated with aloe verapolycaprolactone (AV/PCL) nanoscaffolds with hWJSCs or hWJSC−CM were also created Murine. Diabetic model. Full-thickness excisional wounds, 6 mm, on the back 100 μl of:
- PBS with 1 × 106 MSCs
- PBS with 1 × 106 MSCs+AV/PCL
- Untreated group (n = 12/group)
28 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE), IHC, qRT−PCR Thickness of the epidermis and dermis was significantly greater in both MSCs and MSC-CMs without AV/PCL compared with their controls without AV/PCL AV/PCL groups showed an earlier re-epithelialization and increases in thickness of dermis and epidermis, cellularity, vasculature, and hair follicle numbers
Li T. et al., 2019 Murine adipose tissue Flow cytometry and oil red O staining (CD29+, CD90, CD45−) MSCs of passages 3–5 were used. They were cultured on various matrices (tissue culture plates (TCP), pure three-dimensional-printed Murine. Diabetic murine model. Full-thickness skin defects, 7 mm diameter 200 μl of each solution was used (150 μl injected subcutaneously around the defect and 50 μl smeared onto the wound bed)
- DMEM (control)
14 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE, MT), IF All groups improved wound healing. The highest wound-healing rate was observed in DOPA-BC-CM group. Remaining wound area at The newly formed capillary network around the excisional regions was the most intense in the DOPA-BC-CM group. Higher levels of CD31 and a higher amount of
bioceramic (BC), and polydopamine-modified BC scaffolds (DOPA-BC), and each CM was collected - MSC-CMs derived from TCP
- MSC-CMs derived from BC
- MSC-CMs derived from DOPA-BC (n = 4/group)
day 14 was 7.1 ± 3.4% in DOPA-BC-CM group, ∼15.2 ± 6.6% in BC-CM, ∼21.2 ± 11.3% in TCP-CM, and ∼31.8 ± 7.2% in DMEM group collagen deposition were also observed in this group
Deng et al., 2019 Human adipose tissue Liposuction SVF gel was prepared, and its CM was collected (Gel-CM). CM from MSCs was also collected (MSC-CM) Murine. Diabetic model. Full- thickness excisional wound, 20-mm diameter, on the back 100 μl was administered intradermally every 2 days:
- Gel-CM
- PBS (n = 18/group)
14 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE), ELISA The wound size in all groups was reduced. Wound-healing rate in the Gel-CM-treated group was significantly higher than that in the MSC-CM group (p < 0.05) Gel-CM-treated rats exhibited complete re-epithelialization of the wound, while MSC-CM did not. Number of capillaries in the Gel-CM-treated group was higher in MSC-CM
Dalirfardouei et al., 2019 Human menstrual blood Collecting menstrual blood from healthy women Flow cytometry (CD29+, CD44+, CD90+, CD34−, CD45−, CD117−, HLA−DR-). Adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation MSCs of passages 4–6 at 70–80% confluence were used. CM was collected, and exosomes were isolated Murine. Diabetic mice models. Full-thickness excisional wound including the panniculus carnosus, 8 mm, on the back 100 μl was intradermally injected around the wound
- MSCs
- Exos-MSCs (n = 6/group)
14 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE, MT), IHC, qRT-PCR Increased wound closure was observed in Exo-group compared with the control or MSC group. At day 12, wound closure was 84.34 ± 7.00% in Exo-MSCs, 46.4 ± 8.5% in MSCs, and 43.78 ± 6.95% in controls Microvessel density was significantly higher in the Exo-group compared with the other two groups. Size of scar tissues significantly decreased in themice treated with MSCs and their exosomes compared with control group. A major reduction in the granulation tissue cellularity was observed in mice treated with exosomes compared with the cell group
Irons et al., 2018 Adipose tissue from pigs’ gluteal regions Wound incision MSCs at 90% were used. CM was collected Pigs. Diabetic pigs. Full-thickness skin wounds, 50 mm circular, on the back -Injection of low-dose MSCs
- Injection of high-dose MSCs
- Injection of low-dose EC/MSCs
- Injection of high-dose EC/MSCs
- 2 ml of MSC-CM topically applied every 3 days
- 2 ml of EC-CM topically applied every 3 days
- 2 ml of serum-free medium topically applied every 3 days (control) (n = 7/group)
28 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE) Wounds treated with MSCs and MSC-CMs displayed a significant increase in the percentage of wound closure compared with controls (p < 0.05) Decreases in the acute inflammation scores were observed in wounds treated with MSCs and MSC-CMs compared with controls
Chen Z. et al., 2018 Human umbilical cord Umbilical cords sections Electron microscopy (CD63+, CD81+) MSCs of passages 3–5 at 100% confluence were used. CM was collected, and Exos were obtained. PF-127 hydrogel was mixed with Exos, and PF-127 composite (MSC-Exos/PF-127) was obtained Murine. Diabetic rat model. Full-thickness skin wounds, 10 mm circular, on the back Treatment was used topically
- 100 μg MSC-Exos dissolved in 100 μl Pluronic F127 hydrogel (24%)
- 100 μg MSC-Exos dissolved in 100 μl PBS
- 100 μl PF-127 hydrogel (24%)
- 100 μl PBS (control) (n = 6/group)
14 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE), IHC, qRT-PCR, IF Wound area was significantly smaller in the MSC-Exos/PF-127 group than in the other groups. Wounds in the MSC-Exos/PF-127 group were almost completely healed at day 14, while the wound healing rates in the MSC-Exos, PF-127 hydrogel, and control groups were 8.95, 14.52, and 23.09%, respectively New hair was only evident in the MSC-Exos/PF-127 group. Number of blood vessels was higher in the MSC-Exos/PF-127 and MSC-Exos groups than in the PF-127 hydrogel or control group
Chen C. Y. et al., 2018 Human urine samples Urine sample collection Flow cytometry, and electron microscopy (CD29+, CD44+, CD73+, CD90+, CD34−, CD45−). Osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic differentiation MSCs of passages 2–6 at 80–90% confluence were used. CM was collected, and Exos were created. Lentivirus shRNAs were transfected Murine. Diabetic rat model. Full-thickness skin wounds, 6 mm, on upper back Treatment was subcutaneously injected around the wounds at 4 injection sites (25 μl per site)
- 100 μl PBS
- 200 μg MSC-Exos in 100 μl PBS
- 200 μg MSC-Exos without DMBT1 in 100 μl PBS (n = 8/group)
12 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE, MT), IHC, qRT-PCR, IF Faster wound closure was observed in MSC-Exos group compared with controls and MSC-Exos without DMBT1 Higher rate of re-epithelialization, lower level of scar formation, and higher number of newly formed blood vessels were observed in MSC-Exos group compared with controls and MSC-Exos without DMBT1
Bagheri et al., 2018 Human bone marrow Aspiration Flow cytometry (CD73+, CD90+, CD105+, CD34−, CD45−) MSCs of passage 4 at 80% confluence were used. CM was collected Murine. Diabetic rat model. Full-thickness skin wounds, 12 mm, on upper back PBM was administered once daily, 6 days per week. CM was administered at days 0 and 1 intraperitoneally
- DMEM vehicle (control)
- PMB+MSC-CM (n = 18/group)
15 Stereological methods, tensiometric examination MSC-CM and PBM+MSC-CM increased the tensiometric properties compared with DMEM and PBM MSC-CM, PBM, and PBM+MSC-CM groups showed a significant decrease in the three types of mast cells and in the total number of mast cells compared with controls
Amini et al., 2018 Human bone marrow Aspiration Flow cytometry (CD73+, CD90+, CD105+, CD34−, CD45−) MSCs of passage 4 at 80% confluence were used. CM was collected Murine. Diabetic rat model. Full-thickness skin wounds, 12 mm, on upper thoracic and lumbar regions PBM was administered once daily, 6 days per week. CM was administered at days 0 and 1 intraperitoneally
- DMEM vehicle (control)
- PMB+MSC-CM (n = 18/group)
15 Stereological methods, tensiometric examination, qRT-PCR All treated groups significantly enhanced wound healing compared with controls. The extent of healing was significantly greater in the CM+PBM group Number of fibroblast and epidermal cells, the lengths of blood vessels, and bFGF and SDF-1α expression were significantly higher in the CM+PBM group
Pouriran et al., 2016 Human bone marrow Aspiration Flow cytometry (CD105+, CD90+, CD73+, CD34−, CD45−) MSCs of passage 4 at 80% confluence were used. CM was then collected Murine. Diabetic rat model. Full-thickness skin wounds, 12 mm, on the thoracic and lumbar regions PWLLLT was administered once daily, 6 days per week. MSC-CM was administered twice intraperitoneally
- Non-treated
- MSC-CM+PWLLLT (n = 7/group)
- Cream containing 1 ml MSC-CM in ratio 10 g cream base
- Povidone iodine (control) (n = 6/group)
15 Macroscopic appearance (photography), biomechanical examination PWLLLT and MSC-CM, alone or in combination, improved biomechanical parameters in the wound PWLLLT was more effective compared with MSC-CM
Kusindarta et al., 2016 Human umbilical cord MSCs of passage 4 at 60% confluence were used. CM was then collected Murine. Diabetic rat model. Full-thickness skin wounds, 7 mm, on the left side of the body Topical application twice daily 9 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE) MSC-CM induced faster re-epithelialization than other groups MSC-CM promoted increasing density of collagen fiber and stimulated hair follicle and muscle regeneration greater than the other groups
Ma et al., 2015 Human hair follicle Dissection from excess scalp tissue discarded after surgery Flow cytometry (CD105+, CD29+, CD49b+, CD49d+, CD73+, CD271+, GD2+, CD90−, CD44−, CD34−, CD45−). Adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation MSCs of passage 1 at 80–90% confluence were used. CM was then collected Murine. Diabetic rat model. Full-thickness skin wound, 6 mm, on dorsal surface 100 ml injected into each wound
- Normal fibroblast-CM
- HF-MSC-CM (n = 3/group)
24 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE) HF-MSC-CM accelerated wound healing compared with the other groups. The average number of days to complete wound closure in the group administered with HF-MSC-CM was 18.7 days compared with The epidermal thickness of the HF-MSC-CM-treated wound sites was significantly higher than the other groups
22.3 days in the group treated with fibroblast-CM and 24 days in DMEM group
Tam et al., 2014 Wharton’s jelly from human umbilical cord Cutting umbilical cords Flow cytometry (CD13+, CD29+, CD44+, CD90+, CD10−, CD14−, CD34, CD117) MSCs of passage 3–4 were used. It was constructed wound dressing patch made up of an aloe vera−PCL (AV/PCL) nanoscaffold impregnated with WJ-MSCs or its CM Murine. Full-thickness skin wounds, 6 mm, on dorsal region - MSCs+AV/PCL
- UCM + AV/PCL (n = 12/group)
28 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE and MT), IF, WB, qRT-PCR MSCs+AV/PCL and MSC-CM+AV/PCL groups showed faster wound closure compared with other groups MSCs+AV/PCL and MSC-CM+AV/PCL groups showed increased numbers of sebaceous glands and hair follicles and greater cellularity and vasculature compared with other groups
Fong et al., 2014 Wharton’s jelly from human umbilical cord Full-term delivery Immunofluorescence (CD10+, CD13+, CD29+, CD44+, CD90+) MSCs of passages 3–4 at 80% confluence were used. CM was then collected Murine. Full-thickness excisional skin wound, 6 mm, on dorsum 100 μl injected intraperitoneally
- MSCs
- UCM (n = 12/group)
28 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE), IHC MSC and MSC-CM healing rates were greater compared with controls MSCs and MSC-CMs showed greater re-epithelialization, increased vascularity, cellular density, sebaceous gland, and hair follicle numbers compared with controls
Kim et al., 2010 Human umbilical cord Not specified (CD34+, CD31+, KDR+, Tie2+) Cells were cultured, and CM was then collected Murine. Diabetic rats. Full-thickness excisional wounds, 5 mm, on dorso-lateral area Intradermal injections injected at three different intact dermis site near the wound
- PBS (n = 6/group)
12 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE) MSC-CM and MSC promoted wound healing greater than controls MSC-CM and MSC groups showed greater increases in neovascularization compared with controls. The effect of MSC and MSC-CM improving wound healing was similar

AT, adipose tissue-derived; bFGF, basic fibroblast growth factor; AF, amniotic fluid; BM, bone marrow; CM, conditioned medium; DFX, deferoxamine; DMEM, Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium; DP, dental pulp; EC, endothelial-differentiated; ECM, extracellular matrix; EGF, epidermal growth factor; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; EVs, extracellular vesicles; Exos; exosomes; HE, hematoxylin and eosin; hCB, human cord blood; hESC, human embryonic stem cell; IHC, immunohistochemistry; IF, immunofluorescence; MPF, micro-nano polylactic acid electrospun fiber; MSCs, mesenchymal stromal cells; MT, Masson’s trichrome; PBM, photobiomodulation; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; qRT-PCR, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction; SVF, stromal vascular fraction; UCM, unconditioned medium; WB, Western blotting; WJ, Wharton’s jelly.

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