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. 2021 Jul 23;9:654210. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.654210


Studies regarding mesenchymal stromal cell-conditioned medium for treating other types of wounds in animal models.

MSC source Method of tissue extraction MSC characterization Preparation of MSC-CM Model Groups of treatments and via of administration Follow-up (days) Assessment Main outcomes Other outcomes
Zhou et al., 2019 Human umbilical cords Umbilical cord section from full-term healthy fetuses that were born via cesarean section Flow cytometry (CD29+, CD44+, CD73+, CD90+, CD105+, CD34−, CD45, CD31−, CD271−) MSCs of passages 3–8 at 70–80% confluence were used. CM was collected. The thermosensitive MSC-CM/hydrogel was prepared by mixing the precooled MSC-CM, chitosan/β-GP, and collagen solutions at a ratio of 1:2:1 on ice Murine. Third-degree burned mice, 15 mm Wound was covered and changed twice daily
- Unconditioned medium (UM)
- MSC-CM group
- UM/hydrogel
- MSC-CM/hydrogel (n = 18/group)
28 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE), IHC Application of the MSC-CM/hydrogel shortened healing time. The average healing time in MSC-CM/hydrogel group was approximately 5 days shorter than in UM group and shorter than MSC-CM and UM/hydrogel groups MSC-CM/hydrogel limited the area of inflammation; enhanced re-epithelialization; promoted the formation of high-quality, well-vascularized granulation tissue; and attenuated the formation of fibrotic and hypertrophic scar tissue
Sun et al., 2019 Wharton’s jelly from human umbilical cords Section from umbilical cords MSCs of passage 3 at 60% confluence were used. CM was collected Murine. Radiation-induced skin injury rat model, 20 mm × 20 mm 200 ml of hydrogel was pipetted onto the radiation wound every 2 days
- Non-treated
- MSC-CM (n = 12/group)
56 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE), IHC MSC-CM significantly accelerated wound closure and enhanced the wound healing quality. The great difference was observed at day 42, with a relative wound size of the MSC-CM group 2.63-fold smaller than the EGF group and 3.38-fold smaller than the non-treated group (0.8 ± 0.29, 2.1 ± 0.37, 2.7 ± 0.34 mm2, respectively) α-SMA, Ki-67 expression, and the number of vessels/HPF were increased in MSC-CM group
Li J. Y. et al., 2019 Human fetal placenta Placenta section Flow cytometry adipogenic and qRT-PCR (CD29+, CD73+, CD105+, CD90+, CD34−, CD45−, CD133−). Adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation MSCs of passages 3–7 at 80% confluence were used. CM was collected Murine. Second-degree burn injury model. Back skin of mice was injured with 80°C water for 100 s to create a 10-mm diameter wound 200 μl of the treatments was subcutaneously injected near the wound at four sites
- PBS containing 2 × 106 MSCs
- DMEM (n = 5/group)
21 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE), IF MSCs and MSC-CMs promoted wound healing compared with PBS and DMEM High levels of new blood vessels and tubular structures were observed in the MSC and MSC-CM groups
Kouhkheil et al., 2019 Human bone marrow Aspiration Flow cytometry MSCs of passage 4 at 80% confluence were used. CM was collected Murine. MRSA rats infected. Full-thickness excisional wound, 15 mm, on the back PBM was administered once daily, 6 days per week. 50 μl of the 10-fold CM was administered from day 0 until day 3
- Control
- PBM+MSC-CM (n = 18/group)
15 Clinical observation, microbiological, tensiometric, and stereological analyses There was a significant decrease in colony-forming units in PBM+MSC-CM and PBM groups compared with controls PBM+MSC-CM, PBM, and MSC-CM groups significantly increased wound strength compared with the control group. The PBM+MSC-CM and PBM groups had more stable MCs, less significant degranulated and disintegrated MCs, and less significant total number of MCs compared with the control group
Fridoni et al., 2019 Human bone marrow Aspiration Flow cytometry (CD105+, CD90+, CD73+, CD34−, CD45−) MSCs of passage 4 were used. CM was collected Murine. MRSA diabetic rats infected. Full−thickness wound, 15-mm diameter round, on the back PBM was administered once daily, 6 days per week. 500 μl of the 10-fold CM was injected intraperitoneally daily from day 0 until day 3
- Control group
- PBM+MSC-CM (n = 18/group)
15 Histology (HE), IHC PBM+MSC-CM hastened wound healing process PBM+MSC-CM, MSC-CM, and PBM groups showed a decrease in the number of neutrophils and macrophages and an increase in the number of fibroblasts and angiogenesis compared with those of the control group
Aryan et al., 2019 Human bone marrow Flow cytometry (CD73+, CD90+, CD105+, CD45−) MSCs of passages 3–4 at 80–90% confluence were used. CM was collected Murine. Second-degree burns (induced from boiling water), 30 mm × 30 mm - Not treated rats (control)
- 0.5 ml of DMEM injected intraperitoneally every other day
- 1% topical silver sulfadiazine cream daily
- 0.5 ml of MSC-CM injected intraperitoneally every other day (n = 5/group)
28 Macroscopic appearance (photography), histology (HE, MT), IHC Wound closure area was significantly increased in the MSC-CM and sulfadiazine groups There was a reduction in the volume of the epidermis and dermis in the burn wound of the control, DMEM, and sulfadiazine groups compared with the MSC-CM group

CM, conditioned medium; DMEM, Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium; ECM, extracellular matrix; EGF, epidermal growth factor; HE, hematoxylin and eosin; IHC, immunohistochemistry; IF, immunofluorescence; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; MSCs, mesenchymal stromal cells; MT, Masson’s trichrome; PBM, photobiomodulation; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; qRT-PCR, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction.

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