’WhatsApp mei (in Whatsapp) people give right. No, I have never heard (Aarogya Setu)’.
‘It is told everyday, on news’.
‘News, tv, WhatsApp, they inform’.
‘This information is spreading everywhere. I work (as a domestic help) in the houses, the madams tell me. The madams tell about the spread of coronavirus and about taking precautions’.
‘There are many messages, stay safe from coronavirus. It is dangerous, there are no medicine for it’.
‘Yes, on my phone many SMS I get. No, I don’t know, as I don’t know the number (of governmental agencies)’.
‘In the lockdown, we used to see TV only, the news, - Foreign countries (bahar desho), the conditions are really bad’.
‘ (telephone messages) It only states … “stay safe from coronavirus”. - I don’t understand mostly…it is too fast’.
‘No. I do not know. They haven't told me anything. - In my workplace, there is a kid. Who told me about foreign countries. - He told me to be careful. He asked for my account no. - Do not go out from home’.
‘No I don’t quite know. Cause I can't see SMS by myself. I wouldn’t be able to understand’.
‘We got to know everything from news only, that’s all we know. - We take bath with soap and shampoo. - If we go out at all, we don’t enter the house, we take a bath in the well (kuoo) and then we enter. - We wash everything and then enter the house’.
‘Seen it on the television in the news’.
‘TV displayed. When I call, they inform about the coronavirus’.
‘TV, I can see it on the television on the news’.
‘Just news on the TV. - We don't go out anymore. After lockdown. We don’t out anymore’.
‘We got information from news about fever, cold, pain in foot and hands and other symptoms of COVID. Otherwise, how would we know?’
‘We got news from Samachar (news channels) only during lockdown’.