Cumulative EMRSSA ICU stay, days | 603 |
Length of stay in EMRSSA, median, days (IQR) | 11 (6-15) |
Post-EMRSSA destination | n (%) |
Post-respiratory ICU | 15 (32) |
Emile Muller Hospital ICU | 6 (13) |
Other ICU | 14 (30) |
Medical ward | 11 (23) |
Vital status and location on May 7, 2020 | n (%) |
Alive, at home, or in long-term care facility | 26 (55) |
Alive, medical ward, or post-ICU rehabilitation unit | 11 (24) |
Alive, ICU | 6 (13) |
Dead | 4 (9) |
Vital status at hospital discharge | n (%) |
Alive, at home, or in long-term care facility | 40 (85) |
Dead | 7 (15) |
Abbreviations: EMRSSA, Élément Militaire de Réanimation du Service de Santé des Armées; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range.