Suppression of crossovers near the centromere. The exclusion of crossovers near the centromere seems to be enforced at two levels. Crossover suppression in the highly repetitive alpha heterochromatin has been shown to be a result of the prevention of DSBs either through local chromatin organization (in S. cerevisiae) or the inactivation of Spo11 (in S. pombe and A. thaliana). Crossover suppression in the less repetitive beta heterochromatin and the proximal euchromatin has been shown to be regulated through Bloom syndrome helicase/Sgs1 (in D. melanogaster and S. cerevisiae) and dependent on distance from the centromere (represented by a centromere effect signal shown in red). Homologous chromosomes are shown in blue and orange with dark red lines in the pericentromeric region representing alpha heterochromatin. Light and dark green stars represent repair intermediates and crossover precursors, respectively.