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. 2021 Jul 21;18(15):7723. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18157723

Table 3.

The top 20 productive authors in NPS.

Author/Institute TA FCA(R) TC(R) CPP(R) TCFCA(R) FCACPP(R) Hi Hm(R) In 5-Year Window
Srinivasan R/USDA ARS 37 4(18) 3352(3) 90.6(3) 57(11) 6.9(18) 17 17.005(6) 392(2) 90.6(3) 0 0
Shen ZY/Beijing Normal Univ 34 26(1) 465(14) 13.7(18) 369(5) 10.9(10) 13 13.028(9) 81.4(10) 13.7(18) 223(1) 8.58(4)
Arnold JG/USDA ARS 31 4(18) 3672(2) 118.5(2) 005(1) 64.7(1) 20 20.005(2) 432.6(1) 118.5(2) 113(2) 28.3(1)
Sharpley AN/Arkansas Univ 30 13(4) 4539(1) 151.3(1) 792(2) 26.4(2) 21 21.005(1) 372.4(3) 151.3(1) 20(10) 1.5(9)
Mostaghimi S/Virginia Tech Univ 27 8(8) 519(12) 19.2(14) 39(13) 8.9(15) 14 14.027(8) 38.6(18) 19.2(14) 0 0
Huang GH/Regina Univ 26 13(4) 358(17) 13.8(17) 300(8) 11.5(9) 10 10.028(17) 46.2(15) 13.8(17) 112(3) 8.62(3)
Steenhuis TS/Cornell Univ 25 9(7) 756(8) 30.2(9) 63(10) 10.5(12) 17 17.022 (5) 92.4(7) 30.2(9) 0 0
Kim LH/Kongju National Univ 25 22(2) 367(16) 14.7(16) 343(7) 13.7(7) 8 8.022(19) 47.8(13) 14.7(16) 29(7) 1.3(10)
Neal C/Ctr Ecol and Hydrol Univ 24 7(13) 981(5) 40.9(7) 94(17) 8.1(17) 18 18.018(4) 94.8(6) 40.9(7) 0 0
Walter MT/Cornell Univ 23 8(8) 655(10) 28.5(10) 28(14) 9.9(13) 13 13.0198(11) 81.8(9) 28.5(10) 32(6) 4.0(6)
Chen L/Beijing Normal Univ 23 8(8) 162(20) 7(20) 22(20) 1.0(20) 7 7.043(20) 27.4(20) 7.0 (20) 22(9) 2.8(8)
Jarvie HP/Ctr Ecol and Hydrol Univ 22 8(8) 912(6) 41.5(6) 510(3) 23.2(3) 18 18.020(3) 97(5) 41.5(6) 1(13) 0.1(13)
Hao FH/Beijing Normal Univ 22 6(16) 248(19) 11.3(19) 04(19) 4.7(19) 10 10.040(15) 41.2(17) 11.3(19) 24(8) 4.0(6)
Behrendt H/Inst Freshwater Ecol and Inland Fisheries 22 7(13) 524(11) 23.8(11) 05(16) 9.3(14) 13 13.025(10) 47(14) 23.8(11) 0 0
Kleinman PJA/USDA ARS 21 4(18) 1024(4) 48.8(4) 56(12) 12.2(8) 13 13.013(13) 105.8(4) 48.8(4) 49(4) 12.3(2)
Engel BA/Purdue Univ 21 8(8) 453(15) 21.6(13) 84(18) 8.8(16) 11 11.024(14) 43.6(16) 21.6(13) 3(12) 0.4(12)
Chaubey I/Purdue Univ 21 11(6) 494(13) 23.5(12) 26(15) 10.8(11) 10 10.020(18) 68(12) 23.5(12) 48(5) 4.4(5)
Kronvang B/Aarhus Univ 20 7(13) 848(7) 42.4(5) 368(6) 18.4(5) 16 16.020(7) 87.8(8) 42.4(5) 0 0
Heathwaite AL/Lancaster Univ 20 5(17) 668(9) 33.4(8) 394(4) 19.7(4) 13 13.0195(12) 72.4(11) 33.4(8) 0 0
Tsihrintzis VA/ Athens Natl Tech Univ 19 17(3) 315(18) 16.6(15) 298(9) 15.7(6) 10 10.032 (16) 37.6(19) 16.6(15) 14(11) 0.8(11)

TA: total articles; FCA(R): rank of the first author or the corresponding author; CPP(R): rank of citation per publication; TCFCA(R): rank of total FCA citations; FCACPP (R): rank of citation per FCA publication; Hi: high citations index; Hm: a Modified Hi.