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. 2021 Aug 6;16(8):e0255819. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255819

Table 4. Granger causality test results (December 31, 2018-April, 30, 2020).

1-Lag 2-Lags 3-Lags 4-Lags 5-lags
Uncertainty → Variation in Returns 139.99*** 52.92*** 20.69*** 13.93*** 13.54***
Beer & Liquor
Uncertainty → Variation in Returns 64.59*** 12.74*** 4.67*** 6.44*** 6.56***
Uncertainty → Variation in Returns 111.66*** 28.49*** 17.91*** 17.71*** 13.94***
Uncertainty → Variation in Returns 41.41*** 14.4*** 8.19*** 9.31*** 7.31***
Uncertainty → Variation in Returns 34.54*** 4.58** 2.92** 10.62*** 17.35***
Consumer Goods
Uncertainty → Variation in Returns 40.65*** 7.40*** 9.14*** 12.32*** 13.71***
Personal Services
Uncertainty → Variation in Returns 71.55*** 8.16*** 9.11*** 11.08*** 18.22***
Candy& Soda
Uncertainty → Variation in Returns 134.23*** 36.35*** 15.72*** 7.89*** 11.06***
Uncertainty → Variation in Returns 91.77*** 18.89*** 10.19*** 7.89*** 8.23***
Uncertainty → Variation in Returns 23.00*** 6.84*** 6.60*** 9.43*** 12.69***
#Observations 334 333 332 331 330

Notes: The table reports the results of the Granger causality test of the relationship between uncertainty due to infectious diseases and variations in returns in the hospitality and other related industries. The data cover December 31, 2018 to April 30, 2019. The results indicate that uncertainty due the COVID-19 pandemic is the driver of the variation in the stock prices in the hospitality sector. The values reported are the F-statistic values related to the Granger test. By Uncertainty → Variation in Returns, we mean that uncertainty does not Granger-cause the variations in returns. The lag order refers to the number of lags used in Eq (2).

"***," "**" and "*" denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively.