Fig 7. The roles of extracellular ions in CSD initiation: Representative time traces.
When NaV1.1 carries a FHM-3 mutation, modeled by pNa,P = 15%, we tested the effect of keeping either extracellular potassium or sodium constant using unrealistically high diffusion rates. We depolarized the neurons at rest with constant excitatory conductances gD,i = gD,e = 0.3 mS · cm−2 for 30 s. A: Voltage traces for the default parameters. B: Voltage traces when ε = 0.1 ms−1 to simulate a strong buffering of extracellular potassium. C: Voltage traces when there is a strong buffering of extracellular sodium. To implement it, we introduced the diffusion term Idiff,Na = εNa([Na+]o − Nabath) in the equation for extracellular sodium, with εNa = 0.1 ms−1 and Nabath equal to the steady-state extracellular sodium in the absence of external input. D: [K+]o traces in the cases described in A-C. E: [Na+]o traces in the cases described in A-C.