Figure 2.
Single-channel recordings of Piezo1 activity in representative whole-cell experiments on K562 cells. (A) Extracellular application of Yoda1 resulted in the activation of Piezo1 in the whole-cell membrane. The replacement of all permeable cations with non-permeable NMDG+ resulted in the full abolition of Yoda1-induced ion currents. The amplitude histogram calculated for the particular current trace is presented below. Single-channel Piezo1 amplitudes could be clearly resolved between the centers of the peaks of the histograms. (B) The I-V relationship of Piezo1 channels. The mean unitary conductance of the channels is 19.3 ± 2.0 pS (n = 5). (C) The development of a rather high level of Piezo1 activity in the whole-cell membrane in response to 5 μM Yoda1 application. The parts of the traces indicated by arrows are shown in extended timescale. The following addition of MS channel blocker Gd3+ (10 µM GdCl3) to the bath resulted in the inhibition of Piezo1 activity. In (A) and (C), the substitutions of the extracellular solutions could clearly be seen.