No emergent phenotypes of sleep or spike-wave activity in 5XFAD mice. No emergent phenotypes of sleep or spike wave activity in 5XFAD mice. Sleep and seizure activity was assessed by EEG in female and male 5XFAD mice (n = 4 per group). Example traces during epochs of wake (A), NREM sleep (B), and REM sleep (C) are displayed across the top. No statistical differences in frequency are measured during wake (D), NREM (E), or REM (F). Analysis of sleep phase distribution during each activity period throughout the 72 h recording does not reveal significant differences in time spent in each respective sleep phase. Increased wake (G), and decreased NREM sleep (H) is witnessed in female mice during both activity phases compares to male controls. Differences in REM sleep (I) are not seen. Mean duration of wake epochs are significantly increased in females compared to male controls (J). An example of a putative spike wave identified using pike sorting criteria (K). No significant differences in spike wave activity (L), spike wave duration (M), or spikes per train (N), are identified for sex or genotype.