Effects of Dex on small RNA payload of sperm cells residing in testes at the time of administration
(A) Experimental design depicting a time window of two weeks between injection of Dex and sperm collection for molecular analysis.
(B and C) (B) Volcano plot depicting fold changes and significance level of miRNAs and tsRNAs (C) in mature sperm 14 days after injection of Dex (n = 8) versus vehicle (n = 8) as assessed by small RNA sequencing.
(D) Stacked barplot showing reads of different sizes mapping to rRNAs in Dex (n = 8) and vehicle (n = 8).
(E) Volcano plot demonstrating global increased abundance of rRNA fragments.
(F and G) (F) Q-PCR results of small RNA assays for caput sperm (tsArg-CCT-2: t(49) = 3.49, q < 0.001, tsGlyGCC: t(49) = 0,32, q > 0.05; tsHIs-GTG: t(49) = 0.29, q > 0.05; tsLeu-CAA-2: t(49) = 0.62, q < 0.5; mir34c-5p: t(49) = 0.27, q > 0.05; mir6538: t(49) = 0.59, q > 0.05, mir677-5p t(49) = 0.62 q > 0.05) (G) serum exosomes (tsArg-CCT-2: t(33) = 3.43, q < 0.01, tsGlyGCC: t(33) = 0,04, q > 0.05; tsHIs-GTG: t(33) = 0.07, q > 0.05; mir34c-5p: t(33) = 0.51, q > 0.05; mir6538: t(33) = 0.02, q > 0.05) days after drug injection. Whiskers display minimum and maximum. ∗∗q < 0.01, ∗∗∗q < 0.001 multiple t-tests corrected for multiple testing.