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. 2021 Jul 24;22(15):7913. doi: 10.3390/ijms22157913

Table 4.

Validated and predicted targets of the miRNAs dysregulated in RCC patients. These target proteins were identified using miRWalk 2.0 and were further integrated within the renal cell carcinoma pathway from KEGG. Validated targets are those that have been empirically validated to be regulated by a miRNA. Predicted targets are those that have been theoretically estimated based the free binding energy between a miRNA and a putative target mRNA sequence.

Renal cell carcinoma Pathway
miRNA Sequence Validated Targets Predicted Targets
Comparison: RCC Patients before Surgery and Controls
miR-200a-3p * uaacacugucugguaacgaugu GRB2 HGF, TGFB2, CUL2
miR-34a-5p * uggcagugucuuagcugguugu FH, GRB2, MAP2K1, MAPK3, MET, VEGFA PIK3CB, PTPN11, ARNT
miR-365a-3p * uaaugccccuaaaaauccuuau AKT1, KRAS, RAC1 TGFB3, PIK3R3
miR-205-5p uccuucauuccaccggagucug - VEGFA, MAPK3, PIK3CG, TCEB1, EGLN2, VEGFA
let-7d-5p agagguaguagguugcauaguu - BRAF, HGF
Comparison: RCC Patients before (t0) and After Surgery (t1)
let-7d-5p agagguaguagguugcauaguu - BRAF, HGF
miR-152-3p ucagugcaugacagaacuugg KRAS, SOS2, TGFA ETS1, SOS1, TGFB2, EPAS1, SLC2A1, MET, JUN, PAK3, GRB2, GAB1
miR-30c-5p uguaaacauccuacacucucagc CUL2, EP300, ETS1, GAB1, MAP2K1, PIK3R2, RAC1, RAP1B, TGFA PIK3CB, PIK3CD, EGLN1, TCEB1
miR-362-3p aacacaccuauucaaggauuca ARNT, CRK, ETS1, PAK6, PIK3CG, PIK3R1, RAPGEF1, VEGFA AKT2, MET, CUL2, RAP1B, CDC42, RBX1
miR-30e-3p cuuucagucggauguuuacagc CRK, KRAS, SOS2 GRB2, EGLN1, RBX1, MAP2K2

* miRNAs included in the multivariable elastic net logistic regression model of ccRCC before surgery (t0) compared to healthy controls. miRNA sequences detailed in accordance with miRBase 22.1.