Figure S1.
Peripheral blood eosinophils in clinical cohorts and granulocyte isolation from human TB lung lesions. (A and B) Cape Town cohort: Circulating neutrophil numbers and E/N ratio in IGRA-negative HC (n = 20), IGRA-positive individuals with LTBI (n = 77), and GXPT-positive individuals with PTB (n = 49; Kruskal–Wallis test with Dunn’s correction). (C) Zhengzhou cohort: E/N ratio in HC (n = 30), AFB− staining (sputum negative) in PTB (n = 64, pink), AFB+ staining (sputum positive) in PTB (n = 48, blue), and EPTB (n = 50, yellow; Kruskal–Wallis test with Dunn’s correction). (D) Zhengzhou cohort: Circulating eosinophil numbers at baseline (BL) and 2 wk after ATT (Wilcoxon matched pairs test) from color-coded clinical groups (pink: IGRA + AFB− PTB, n = 47 pairs; blue: IGRA + AFB+ PTB, n = 34 pairs; yellow: EPTB, n = 30 pairs). (E) London cohort: Circulating eosinophil numbers in survivor (n = 901) or deceased (n = 55) TB patients (Mann–Whitney test). (F) London cohort: Circulating eosinophil numbers correlated with time to death (n = 49, Spearman correlation test). (G) Schematic study overview and examples of human lung TB lesions after resection surgery (n = 9) and flow cytometric gating strategy of human lung TB lesions for eosinophil and neutrophil quantification in Shanghai cohort. (H) Shanghai cohort: Eosinophil (circles) and neutrophil (triangles) proportions of CD45+ cells depicting individual samples per patient (connecting line according to color-coded patient ID, Wilcoxon matched pairs test, two tailed). (I) Shanghai cohort: Summary E/N in resected human lung lesions (connecting line according to color-coded patient ID; tissues depicted as mean and SEM of n = 1–6 samples per tissue type and patient). (J) Shanghai cohort: Eosinophil and neutrophil proportions of CD45+ cells in 18FDG PET/CT low- or high-signal intensity (SUVmax >5.0) lung lesions (connecting line according to color-coded patient ID, n = 5, two-tailed Wilcoxon matched pairs test). Eos, eosinophils; FSC, forward scatter; Neuts, neutrophils; SSC, side scatter.