Figure 15.
Cell cycle in Hs-5 cells untreated and treated with PG and GO flakes as evaluated by flow cytometry and propidium iodide (PI). The charts show the percentage of cells in individual phases of the cell cycle at all tested concentrations (20 µg/mL, 50 µg/mL), compared to the control groups (untreated). Values in the rows marked with an asterisk show statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) as compared to the control assay. Notes: G0—not dividing resting cells, cell cycle arrest; G1—preparation for division, cellular contents, excluding the chromosomes, are duplicated; S—phase synthesis DNA, each of the 46 chromosomes is duplicated by the cell; G2—the cell double checks the duplicated chromosomes for error, making any needed repairs; M—mitosis. Abbreviations: C—control group (untreated cells); PG—pristine graphene; GO—graphene oxide.