Does the citation report the use of sensor technology for the measurement of impact/shock or report an output measure of impact/shock likely measured with the use of wearable sensor technology?If yes to Q1: Does the citation describe measurement methods relevant for sports or manual work (i.e., not patients, children, or animals)?Reviewer decision:
If the reviewer answers yes to both questions 1 and 2, the article will be included for further screening and evaluation.
If the reviewer answers no to questions 1 or 2, the article will be excluded for further screening and evaluation.
If the reviewers answer is yes to question 1 and can’t tell to question 2, the full article will be obtained for further evaluation and decision making on this level.
Additional criteria:
Measurement of gait/walking only relevant if it is related to a specific work-related context.
Regular gait analysis is not deemed relevant for this paper.
Measurement of kinematics or rotation only relevant if measured simultaneously with e.g., ground reaction force.
Review articles are not to be included.