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. 2021 Jul 29;22(15):8150. doi: 10.3390/ijms22158150

Table 1.

Calculations 1 for blood flow, nutrient uptake, nutrient utilization, and quotients.

Blood Flow (Doppler Ultrasound)
Pulsatility index (PSV–EDV)/Timed-average mean velocity (TAMV)
Resistance index (PSV-EDV)/PSV
Umbilical Blood Flow (mL/min) TAMV × (π/4) × Artery cross-sectional area × 60
Blood Flow (3H2O Tracer)
Rinf 3H2O (dpm/min) Pump rate × [infusate]
Racc(f) (dpm/min) αpl slope × (0.8 × fetal weight)
Racc(m) (dpm/min) Racc(f) + [αpl slope × 0.8(uterine weight)]
Umbilical Blood Flow (UBF; mL/min) (Rinf − Racc(f))/([3H2O]α(WB) − [3H2O]γ(WB))
Umbilical Plasma Flow (UPF; mL/min) UBF × [1 − Hctf(avg)]
Uterine Blood Flow (UtBF; mL/min) (Rinf − Racc(m))/([3H2O]V(WB) − [3H2O]A(WB))
Uterine Plasma Flow (UtPF; mL/min) UtBF × [1 − Hctm(avg)]
Nutrient Uptake and Utilization Rates
Umbilical Oxygen Uptake (UOU; mmol/min) UBF × ([O2]γ(WB) − [O2]α(WB))
Uterine Oxygen Uptake (UtOU; mmol/min) UtBF × ([O2]A(WB) − [O2]V(WB))
Uteroplacental Oxygen Utilization (mmol/min) UtOU − UOU
Plasma to WB Glucose Conversion [G]pl × [1 − (0.24 × Hct)] − (3.3 × Hct)
Umbilical Glucose Uptake (UGU; µmol/min) UBF × ([G]γ(WB) − [G]α(WB))
Uterine Glucose Uptake (UtGU; µmol/min) UtBF × ([G]A(WB) − [G]V(WB))
Uteroplacental Glucose Utilization (µmol/min) UtGU − UGU
Umbilical Lactate Uptake (µmol/min; ULU) UBF × ([L]γ(pl) − [L]α(pl))
Uterine Lactate Secretion (µmol/min; UtLS) UtBF × ([L]V(pl) − [L]A(pl))
Uteroplacental Lactate Production (µmol/min) ULU + UtLS
Umbilical AA Uptake (µmol/min; UAAU) UPF × ([AA]γ(pl) − [AA]α(pl))
Uterine AA Uptake (µmol/min; UtAAU) UtPF × ([AA]A(pl) − [AA]V(pl))
Umbilical AA Carbon Uptake (µmol/min; UCU) (#AA carbons) × UAAU
Uterine AA Carbon Uptake (µmol/min; UtCU) (#AA carbons) × UtAAU
Umbilical AA Nitrogen Uptake (µmol/min; UNU) (#AA nitrogens) × UAAU
Uterine AA Nitrogen Uptake (µmol/min; (UtNU) (#AA nitrogens) × UtAAU
Fetal Nutrient: Oxygen Quotients
Glucose:Oxygen (G:O) quotient 6 × ([G]γ(WB) − [G]α(WB))/([O2]γ(WB) − [O2]α(WB))
Lactate:Oxygen (L:O) quotient 3 × ([L]γ(pl) − [L]α(pl))/([O2]γ(WB) − [O2]α(WB))
Amino Acid:Oxygen (AA:O) quotient Q × ([AA]γ(pl) − [AA]α(pl))/([O2]γ(WB) − [O2]α(WB))
Total Nutrient:Oxygen quotient G:O quotient + L:O quotient + Total AA:O quotient

1 Calculations are derived from Cilvik et al., 2021.