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. 2021 Jul 31;22(15):8274. doi: 10.3390/ijms22158274

Table 1.

Probiotics, post-biotics, and para-probiotics: tolDC induction and other effects.

Probiotics Strain Type of Treatment Source of DC Donor Main Results Reference
L. gasseri OLL28099 Bacteria Mouse BMDC WT mice Modulation of DCs’ maturation Mazzeo et al.
L. delbrueckii subsp lactis Bacteria Human PBMC Healthy volunteers
and SLE patients
Induction of T-regs Esmaili et al.
L. rhamnosus GG Soluble mediators
Human PBMC Healthy volunteers Modulation of DCs’ functions, induction of Foxp3+ T cells Ludwig et al.
Soluble factors Human PBMC Healthy volunteers Induction of IL-10 production in DCs; DCs’ immunomodulation Fong et al.
Bacteria Human PBMC Healthy volunteers Modulation of DCs’ function, induction of IL-10 production and T cell priming capability of DCs You et al.
L. crispatus SJ-3C-US Bacteria Human PBMC Healthy volunteers Modulation of DCs’ function, induction of DCs’ maturation and high IL-10 production in DCs, induction of T-regs Eslami et al.
L. plantarum - STp Human colonic DCs UC patients Modulation of DCs’ function and restoration of tolDCs in human gut DCs Al-Hassi et al.
BMCM12 STp Human PBMC Healthy volunteers Modulation of DCs’ phenotype and function, regulatory effects on gut DCs Bernardo et al.
L. casei Shirota Bacteria Human PBMC UC patients Restoration of dysregulated DCs’ function in UC Mann et al.
L. salivarius - Bacteria Human PBMC CD and UC patients Modulation of Crohn’s DCs, increased production of IL-10 and TGF-β, decreased production of IL-12 Ghavami et al.
L. paracasei B21060 Bacteria and its supernatant Human PBMC - Stimulation of DCs and suppression of T cell inflammatory cytokine production Mileti et al.
L. acidophilus NCFM SlpA Human PBMC Healthy volunteers Modulation of DCs’ and T cells’ functions, induction of IL-10 production in DCs Konstantinov et al.
L. reuteri - Bacteria Human PBMC Nd Modulation of DCs’ function, DCs’ maturation, and induction of T-regs Smits et al.
B. bifidum - Bacteria Human PBMC CD and UC patients Induction of CD80 and CD86 expression in CD patients. Induction of IL-10 and TGF-β production in a dose-independent manner Ghavami et al.
B. longum infantis CCUG 52486 Bacteria Human PBMC Healthy volunteers Modulation of DCs’ function, induction of IL-10 production and T cell priming capability of DCs You et al.
B. breve C50v Supernatant Human PBMC Healthy volunteers Induction of maturation, activation, and survival of DCs survival through TLR2, and increased IL-10 production Hoarau et al.
B. subtilis - Bacteria Human PBMC CD and UC patients Increased levels of TGF-β in DCs from UC patients Ghavami et al.
B. coagulans - Bacteria Human PBMC CD and UC patients Increased levels of TGF-β in DCs from CD patients Ghavami et al.
B. thetaiotaomicron VPI-5482 Freeze-killed bacteria Human Colonic DC Healthy volunteers Increased levels of IL-10 compared to UC and CD patients Durant et al.
PSA OMV Human PBMC Healthy volunteers
UC and CD patients
Induction of IL-10 production in healthy colon and blood DCs and promotion of regulatory DC responses
B. fragilis NCTC9343 PSA OMV Mouse BMDC WT and colitis mice Induction of tolDCs’ function, increased T-regs and anti-inflammatory cytokine production, and protection from colitis Shen et al.
F. prausnitzii - Bacteria Human PBMC Healthy volunteers Modulation of DCs’ function, induction of tolDCs and T-regs, induction of IL-10 production Alameddine et al.
Bacteria Human PBMC Healthy volunteers Induction of IL-10 production and DCs’ maturation Rossi et al.
E. coli Nissle 1917 MV Human PBMC Healthy volunteers Modulation of DCs’ function, DCs’ maturation and induction of T-regs response Diaz-Garrido et al.

SLE: Systemic lupus erythematosus, BMDCs: bone marrow DCs, MLNDCs: mesenteric lymph nodes DCs, WT: wild type mice, STp: serine–threonine peptide, PGN: peptidoglycan, Slp A: surface layer protein A, MV: membrane vesicles, OMV: outer membrane vesicles.