Figure 1:
LOWESS plot of predicted VSQOL IRT composite scores regressed on VFL in the BSE
LOWESS = Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing; NEI-VFQ-25 = National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire 25-ltem; IRT = Item Response Theory; VFL = Visual Field Loss; MD = Mean Deviation; dB = Decibels; BSE = Better-Seeing Eye
The LOWESS smoothing parameter is 0.6. Gray bars represent 95% confidence limits of the predicted NEI-VFQ-25 IRT composite scores.
Linear regression models were adjusted for age, number of comorbidities, sex (female), education (< 4 years of college), working status (unemployed), income (≤ $20,000), has health insurance (yes), has vision insurance (yes), visual acuity loss (20/40 or worse), and depression (a good bit of the time or more in the last 4 weeks).