(A) Photonic inactivation of MLVs (V) with Au NRs (NR) and pulsed NIR laser illumination in the presence of IgG antibody (P). NS: non-significant difference; *: significant level P < 0.05.
(B) Photonic inactivation of ϕX174 (V) with NIR pulsed laser and Au NRs or BPs. *: P<0.05; **: P<0.005.
(C) Evidence of shockwave emission recorded by a photoacoustic transducer.
(D) Image of bubble formation during nanocavitation experiment using a 700 nm Ti:Sapphire laser with 35 fs pulses and Au NPs. Bubble formation along the laser path is highlighted by the red rectangle.
(E-F) Effect of shockwave inactivation of NIR laser and Au NRs on (E) mammalian cells, and (F) monoclonal antibodies measured by UV-vis absorption spectrum of antibody before or after different times of illumination.
(A, C) Reproduced from Ref. 42 under the CC BY 4.0 Creative Commons license.
(B, E, F) Reprinted with permission from Ref. 86. Copyright (2019) American Chemical Society.