Fig. 4.
Division symmetry increases and NuMA becomes recruited to the cortex in anaphase during exit from naïve pluripotency. (A) Representative transmitted light images of naïve ESCs (top) and ESCs exiting naïve pluripotency (bottom) during cell division. One Z-plane is shown. Scale bars: 10 µm. (B) Dot plot showing the 2D size asymmetry ratio between daughter cells measured 20 min after cytokinesis for naïve ESCs (top) and ESCs exiting naïve pluripotency. The mean±s.d. are shown (N=2). (C) Left, representative confocal images of HeLa cells (top), naïve ESCs (second row), and cells allowed to exit naïve pluripotency for 24 h (third row) and 48 h (bottom) stained for DNA (blue), α-tubulin (green) and NuMA (magenta). One Z-plane is shown. Scale bars: 10 µm. Right, NuMA staining (inverted contrast) in metaphase and anaphase. (D) Dot plots showing the normalized levels of NuMA intensity at the polar cortex in metaphase (left panel) or anaphase (right) for naïve ESCs (light gray), cells exiting naïve pluripotency for 24 h (gray) or 48 h (black). Intensities were normalized to the mean intensity at the spindle poles. The mean±s.e.m. are shown (N=3). P-values were calculated with a Mann–Whitney test (B), Kruskal–Wallis test (D, metaphase) and Student's t-test (D, anaphase) with Welch's correction (D, anaphase, naïve versus 48 h). a.u., arbitrary units.