(A, B) Western blot and quantification of apoE and LDLR in primarily cultured microglia isolated from P2 pups of WT and LDLR Tg mice (n=3, mixed sex).
(C) qPCR for Ldlr and Apoe in cultured microglia (n=5-6, mixed sex).
(D) Immunofluorescent staining of LDLR and Iba1 in 9-month WT and LDLR Tg mice. Column 1 and 4 (scale bar: 10μm): zoom-in images of square areas in column 2 and 3 (scale bar: 50μm) respectively. Arrow heads point to microglia overexpressing LDLR.
(E, F) qPCR for Ldlr in microglia acutely isolated from 3-month WT and LDLR Tg mice by magnetic beads (E) or by FACS (F) (n=3-4).
(G) qPCR for Apoe in FACS-sorted microglia from 3-month WT and LDLR Tg mice (n=4).
(H, I) Western blot and quantification of apoE level in acutely isolated microglia from 3-month (H) and 20-month (I) WT and LDLR Tg mice (n=3).
(J, K) qPCR for Apoe (J) and DAM/proinflammatory genes (K) in FACS-sorted microglia from 3-month and 20-month WT and LDLR Tg mice (n=3-4), two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test, two-sided.
(L) Co-staining of apoE and CD68 in 9-month P301S mice and P301S/LDLR mice (scale bar: 50μm).
(M) Staining and quantification of CD68 in the hippocampus of 9-month P301S and P301S/LDLR mice (n=16-21), scale bar: 500μm. Mann-Whitney test (two-sided).
Data expressed as mean ± SEM. Student’s t-test (two-sided) in (B), (C), (E-I), *p<0.05, **p<0.01 ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001. See also Figure S1.