Figure 3. Coronal and axial views of (A-C) a SARP-3 participant who did not suffer lung function decline (post-BD FEV1% = 2.7% per year improvement) and had no exacerbations during the duration of SARP-3 as compared to (D-F) a participant who suffered severe lung function decline (post-BD FEV1% = 3.8% per year decline ) and had 7 exacerbations (1.75 exacerbations per year) during the duration of SARP-3.
A representative axial image from these two participants (A and D) is shown focused on RB9, which demonstrates an increased WA% in the participant who suffered greater lung function decline and asthma morbidity. In addition, coronal sections for the same two participants are shown demonstrating more small airways disease (B and E) and less lung deformation (C and F) in the participant who had more lung function decline and asthma exacerbations during the study period.