Fig. 4.
Example 2 of FCDIIb lesion analysed using MRI, histology and synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence (SRXRF). In the upper row, the green arrow points toward the FCD lesion delineated by cortical thickening on FLAIR and by R2*, and hypo-intensity on QSM. The middle row shows histological haemotoxylin-eosin (H&E) and luxol fast blue (LFB) staining performed on sections of resected tissue. The LFB identifies an area with low myelin content at the top of the dotted line. The LFB intensity profile along the dotted line is plotted on the graph on the right side of the middle row. The bottom row shows the SRXRF elemental maps for calcium, zinc and iron. Low iron content is observed at the top of the dotted line and iron content along the dotted line is plotted on the graph on the right side of the bottom row. The dotted line is arbitrary drawn, however looking along this line, the LFB staining intensity and the iron content graphs indicate that myelin increase (decrease in LFB intensity) corresponds to higher iron content.