Figure 3.
FOXM1 knockdown in KG-1 cells increases their sensitivity to venetoclax. KG-1-Control and KG-1-FOXM1-KD cells were treated with indicated concentrations of venetoclax for 24 hours. (A) Total protein samples were purified immediately after treatment and analyzed via immunoblotting with indicated antibodies. Apoptotic activity was evaluated based on caspase-3 cleavage, β-actin was used as an internal loading control. (B) Cells were harvested immediately after treatment and stained with Annexin V and DAPI. Flow cytometry-based Annexin V assay was performed to identify viable (DAPIlow/Annexin Vlow, black), early apoptotic (DAPIlow/Annexin Vhigh, green), early necrotic (DAPIhigh/Annexin Vlow, blue) and dead (DAPIhigh/Annexin Vhigh, red) cells.