Fig. 3.
Incorporation of PSI into template CaCO3microspheres is stable and uniform. A. Room temperature UV-vis absorbance spectra of free PSI as compared with PSI encapsulated in microspheres are shown. Free PSI is shown in black, and PSI microspheres with template BSA-only microsphere scattering subtracted are shown in red. Spectra were normalized to their maximum absorbance values. Microspheres were fabricated with a BSA:PSI ratio of 500:1. B. Flow cytometry of PSI-containing microspheres. Ratios indicate molar ratio of BSA to PSI. Two replicate sets of samples were run at n = 50,000 for accurate comparison. The panel on the left shows fluorescence distribution of PSI embedded within the particles due to chlorophyll autofluorescence. C. Low-temperature fluorescence of PSI microspheres. Ratios indicate the molar ratio of BSA to PSI. Samples were assessed at three stages of the microsphere fabrication process to assess the stability of encapsulated PSI during the fabrication process. PSI has a characteristic 77K fluorescence emission peak at 720 nm, and free chlorophyll has a characteristic emission peak at 660 nm. D. Z-stack confocal fluorescence microscopy of PSI microspheres at a ratio of 500:1 reveals uniform chlorophyll fluorescence throughout the microsphere.