INSL3 reduction to cryptorchidism pathway (AOP1). Leydig cells (in the testes) are the cellular target for KE3, the gubernaculum is the target organ for KE6, and the testes the target organ for the AO, cryptorchidism (AO1). KEs outlined in blue are proposed to occur during the MPW. Events are aligned to the developmental timeline such that events sharing the same vertical plane occur in the same developmental window. The horizontal planes depict: 1) biological process occurring, 2) embryonic day (E), 3) AOP, and 4) subset of data that supports the pathway being specific to the indicated developmental window. This data demonstrates exposure to DBP during the MPW (filled red bar), but not later in gestation (open red bar) induces cryptorchidism (van den Driesche et al. 2017). Note: KEs are numbered according to the network (Fig. 4). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)