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. 2021 Jul 26;8:665729. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2021.665729


Outline system transparency specification (STS) for nextVac.

Stakeholder Group Transparency level(s) Required Rationale
[i] users 1, 2 (see Table 1) A comprehensive user manual is required, covering both use and maintenance. The manual should be written in compliance with standard IEC/IEEE std 82,079 Preparation of information for use, as recommended by P7001 (level 1). An interactive online visual guide is also required, for both operators of the cleaning robot and facilities managers (level 2). Levels 3 and 4 are not required as the robot is not expected to need a complex human robot interface. The robot will only require a limited number of behaviours and these will be indicated by warning lights and sounds, see group [ii] below
[ii] general public 1, 2 The robot’s design will ensure that its machine nature is apparent; lights and sounds will provide simple audio-visual indications of what the robot is doing at any time (level 1). The robot will provide physical cues showing the location of sensors, and publicly available information will explain what data is stored and why (see [iv] accident Investigators in this table), and that this data will not include any personal data (level 2)
[iii] certification agencies 3 The robot will be certified as safe against relevant standards, such as ISO 10218 (2011) (noting that ISO 10218 is a generic standard for the safety of industrial robots). Descriptions of the system and how it has been validated will be made available to safety certifiers (level 2). In addition, a high level model (simulation) of the robot will be developed and made available (level 3)
[iv] accident Investigators 3 (see Table 2) The robot will be equipped with a data logging system, which records high level decisions (as outlined in Table 2). Noting that the data logging system will not record any personal data. Levels 4 and 5 are not considered essential, as the cleaning robot will only require a limited number of behaviours, nor will it learn
[v] lawyers and expert witnesses 4 nextVac already has certification of quality management (QM) to standard ISO 9001 (level 1). Ethical risk assessment (ERA) against BS8611 will be undertaken (level 2). nextVac has in place processes of ethical governance (level 3). nextVac also maintains complete audit trails for QM, ERA and ethical governance processes (level 4)