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. 2021 Jul 7;7:100157. doi: 10.1016/j.lanepe.2021.100157

Table 1.

Characteristics of controls and individuals with incident atrial fibrillation at study entry

Individuals with incident atrial fibrillation
By sex By socioeconomic status
Comparisons All AF Male Female Quintile 1 Quintile 5
Age category at diagnosis (years) (n=199 433) (n=199 433) (n=99 281) (n=100 152) (n=33 632) (n=44 466)
Age at diagnosis (years) 75.7 (12.7) 75.8 (12.7) 72.7 (13.1) 78.9 (11.5) 76.3 (12.8) 75.0 (12.8)
Women 100152 (50.2%) 100152 (50.2%) •• •• 16797 (49.9%) 22241 (50%)
Socioeconomic status quintile
Quintile 1 (least deprived) 33360 (16.7%) 33632 (16.9%) 16835 (17%) 16797 (16.8%) •• ••
Quintile 5 (most deprived) 40915 (20.5%) 44466 (22.3%) 22225 (22.4%) 22241 (22.2%) •• ••
Smoking 32130 (16.1%) 86207 (43.2%) 53004 (53.4%) 33203 (33.2%) 13026 (38.7%) 21902 (49.3%)
CHA₂DS₂-VASc ≥ 1 for men or ≥2 for women 171889 (86.2%) 173354 (86.9%) 82484 (83.1%) 90870 (90.7%) 28765 (86.5%) 38875 (87.4%)
Hypertension 45182 (22.7%) 99644 (50.0%) 46309 (46.6%) 53335 (53.3%) 16224 (48.2%) 22886 (51.5%)
Diabetes 12487 (6.3%) 31099 (15.5%) 17064 (17.2%) 13945 (13.9%) 4471 (13.3%) 7704 (17.3%)
Valvular disease 1941 (1%) 20467 (10.3%) 9870 (9.9%) 10597 (10.6%) 3656 (10.9%) 4417 (9.9%)
Angina 14858 (7.5%) 37846 (19.0%) 20854 (21.0%) 16992 (17.0%) 5657 (16.8%) 9810 (22.1%)
Ischemic heart disease 10349 (5.2%) 33358 (16.7%) 19897 (20.0%) 13461 (13.4%) 5289 (15.7%) 7961 (17.9%)
Heart failure 791 (0.4%) 41925 (21.0%) 20236 (20.4%) 21689 (21.7%) 6254 (18.6%) 10297 (23.2%)
Stroke 7363 (3.7%) 23208 (11.6%) 10897 (11.0%) 12311 (12.3%) 3715 (11.0%) 5290 (11.9%)
Asthma 12828 (6.4%) 30252 (15.2%) 14059 (14.2%) 16193 (16.2%) 4908 (14.6%) 7425 (16.7%)
Hyperthyroidism 1932 (1%) 4825 (2.4%) 1028 (1.0%) 3797 (3.8%) 730 (2.2%) 1178 (2.6%)
Cancer 20306 (10.2%) 38976 (19.5%) 20263 (20.4%) 18713 (18.7%) 6805 (20.2%) 8354 (18.8%)
Chronic kidney disease 4121 (2.1%) 40362 (20.2%) 18985 (19.1%) 21377 (21.3%) 6222 (18.5%) 9750 (21.9%)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 8207 (4.1%) 25795 (12.9%) 14182 (14.3%) 11613 (11.6%) 3377 (10.0%) 7306 (16.4%)
Dementia 4674 (2.3%) 12254 (6.1%) 4354 (4.4%) 7900 (7.9%) 2105 (6.3%) 2647 (6.0%)
Two or more comorbidities 36176 (18.1%) 118661 (59.5%) 57925 (58.3%) 60736 (60.6%) 18870 (56.1%) 27877 (62.7%)
Oral anticoagulants prescription
At study entry 2950 (1.5%) 20093 (10.1%) 11280 (11.4%) 8813 (8.8%) 3414 (10.2%) 4458 (10.0%)
During follow-up 4705 (2.4%) 64646 (32.4%) 35540 (35.8%) 29106 (29.0%) 11307 (33.6%) 14326 (32.2%)

Data are mean (SD) or n (%). Socioeconomic status refers to Index of Multiple Deprivation 2015 quintile, with SES 1 referring to the most affluent and SES 5 to the most deprived socioeconomic quintile. Number of comorbidities refers to any of the 13 conditions listed. AF patients characteristics between sex difference: p all <0.001 except for socioeconomic status quintile (p=0.30); between the least and most deprivation difference: p all <0.001 except for sex (p=0.84), dementia prevalence (p=0.07), oral anticoagulants prescription at baseline (p=0.56)