Postsynaptic dynamics only partially explain postsynaptic cell type-specific filtering at GABAergic SAC synapses. (A) Protocol for generation of hybrid IPSCs. Wiener deconvolution of ON-OFF DSGC IPSCs removes the contribution of postsynaptic dynamics (DSGC emIPSC) to estimate presynaptic release dynamics. The result is convolved with an estimate of SAC→SAC postsynaptic dynamics (SAC emIPSC) to generate hybrid IPSCs. (B) Comparison of recorded and corresponding hybrid IPSC responses to optogenetic WN stimulation of SACs. Top, optogenetic WN stimulus. Maximum light intensity (Φmax), 4.8 × 1017 Q cm–2 s–1. Mean responses (black) and LN models (colored) for IPSCs recorded in an ON SAC (top) and hybrid IPSCs combining (1) presynaptic dynamics of GABAergic transmission to the same ON-OFF DSGC as above with (2) postsynaptic dynamics of GABAergic transmission to ON SACs (bottom). (C) Comparison of linear filters from recorded and hybrid IPSCs. Left, linear filters obtained from GABAergic IPSCs recorded in ON-OFF DSGC (magenta) and ON SAC (blue) in (B), overlaid with linear filter from corresponding hybrid IPSCs shown in (B) (gray). (D) Summary of filter peak times (D1) and widths (D2) from recorded and hybrid IPSCs in ON-OFF DSGCs (n = 10 cells) and ON SACs (n = 5 cells). Data from DSGCS are re-plotted from Pottackal et al. (2020). *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; and ***p < 0.001.