Distinct VGCC populations mediate transmitter release from SAC synapses onto DSGCs and SACs. (A) ChR2-evoked IPSCs (A1) and EPSCs (A2) in ON-OFF DSGCs and IPSCs in ON SACs (A3) before and during bath application of ω-conotoxin G6A (ctx G6A, 300 nM), an N-type VGCC blocker. (B) Peak amplitudes (Ipeak) of ChR2-evoked IPSCs (B1, n = 7) and EPSCs (B2, n = 7) in ON-OFF DSGCs and IPSCs in ON SACs (B3, n = 5) before and during ω-conotoxin G6A application. (C) Residual fractions of peak amplitude following ω-conotoxin G6A application. (D) ω-conotoxin G6A sensitivities of ChR2-evoked GABAergic IPSCs (IGABA) and cholinergic EPSCs (IACh) measured in the same ON-OFF DSGCs (n = 7). Residual fractions of peak amplitude (Ipeak) or charge transfer (Qtrans) during ctx G6A application. n.s., not significant; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.