Figure 1.
Display of Segmental and GLS
(A) Parametric image provides a quick, visual impression of the timing and the extent of segmental LV deformation with tracking of the full LV (left ventricular) thickness. In this software, calculated GLS (global longitudinal strain) represents the average of all 3 layers of the LV. The cardiac motion is color coded with shortening displayed as a shade of red. The higher the shortening, the darker the shade. (B and C) A quantitative segmental peak systolic strain can be assigned for each segment. A color-coded strain curve is generated for each of the 6 LV segments per apical view. The strain curves are displayed as a negative wave below the baseline because the myocardium generally shortens in the longitudinal direction during systole and should peak around aortic valve closure. (D) The time-strain plot displays cardiac deformation of all the segments simultaneously at a specific time point in the cardiac cycle. The x-axis represents time during the cardiac cycle and the y-axis represents the 6 color-coded LV segments. (E) After finishing the measurements in the 3 planes, a bullseye (BE) display of the peak or systolic segmental and global strain values is generated using a 17 or 18 LV segment model. The BE plot is color coded such that shortening is displayed as a shade of red and lengthening is displayed as blue. The higher the percentage of shortening, the darker the shade. When multiple segments are color-coded blue (i.e., lengthening is systole), it is worthwhile rechecking those segments to ensure good image quality and appropriate tracking.