A) Kymographs of cells expressing RFP-LimEΔcoil and GFP-DdMyo7 induced to make actin waves in either control (left) or
vasp- cells. Scale bar is (x,y: 5 µm, 30 s). (
B) (top) rotated kymograph of vasp- cell, scale bar is 5 µm. (bottom) Plot profile through center of kymograph above during time-lapse of the cell making actin waves. Arrows above point to peak actin intensity (magenta line) which corresponds to wave formation, green line shows DdMyo7 intensity, which is not well correlated with actin waves. (
C) Phalloidin staining of
vasp null cells treated with either DMSO or 50 nM jasplakinolide (jasp). (
D) Quantification of induction of filopodia formation by control cells (no V1 OE) or cells that overexpress GFP-V1 (see also
Figure 4—figure supplement 1—source data 1). Student's t-test, ****p<0.001 (see also
Figure 4—figure supplement 1—source data 2). (
E) Clustal Omega alignment of the DAD region of diaphanous related formins, the conserved basic residues are highlighted in yellow.