Figure 3.
Biological processes associated with medial correlates of flow-sensitive intimal genes. For all the medial genes whose expression correlated with the 18 flow-sensitive, extracellular-coding intimal genes that had > 200 medial correlates, significantly (q-value < 0.05) over-represented GOs were identified using g:Profiler. The diagrams summarize the biological processes terms that were present in > 50% of GOs enriched in (A) genes positively correlated with intimal genes exhibiting higher expression in ligated animals compared to sham, and (B) genes negatively correlated with intimal genes exhibiting lower expression in ligated animals than in sham. Symbol sizes represent the frequency of the ontology term, and lines between symbols indicate relationships. Groups of closely related terms are denoted by matching color and dashed ellipses. Note that organonitrogen compound metabolism is the largest symbol in (A), and one of the largest in (B). Both diagrams show multiple terms associated with leukocyte activation/immune responses (red) and secretion/exocytosis (green). Terms related to wound healing and cell movement are also present in both summaries.