Figure 4.
Aschoff’s rule: a strong permanent external stimulus causes arrhythmic behavior as the oscillations are dampened off. (a) Time curves where the superscript u indicates that these time curves stem from the extended model consisting of (1) to (5) where (2) is replaced by (8) for (10) with and . (b) Time curve of M calculated from the model (1) to (5) and of calculated from (1) to (5) where (2) is replaced by (8) for (10) with and . In (c) and (d) a weak permanent external stimulus causes dampening of the amplitude of the oscillations, however they are still measurable. The experiment is as in (a) and (b) with . Units and dimensions for (a)–(d): abscissa t: time in hours, ordinate U: amount of substance (M, mRNA, , protein, u intensity of illumination). In (e) we have on the abscissa the illuminance c and on the ordinate we have the period length T in hours. The periods of the endogenous clocks of the fly and the mammalian model under a constant external stimulus. The blue graph is from the fly model and the red one is from the mammalian model. The data points for the fly model are , , , , , , , , , . The data points for the mammalian model are , , , , , , , , , .