Table 2.
Chr:Posa | MAb | MAFc | Delta Chi- Square |
rs# | SNP-DOC annotation | Nearest Gene |
Publications/Clinical Notes |
chr5:1294704 | A | 0.00056 | −3.65 | coding-synon,ncRNA | TERT | ||
chr5:1295161 | G | 0.00353 | −17.50 | rs878855297 | ncRNA,untranslated-5 | TERT |
chr5:1295228 | A | 0.00705 | −28.68 | unknown | TERT |
chr20:62324391 | A | 0.05008 | −6.77 | rs41308092d | intron | RTEL | |
chr20:62324564 | T | 0.00197 | −3.25 | rs398123017 | ncRNA,nonsense | RTEL |
chr20:62324600 | T | 0.00098 | −2.60 | rs373740199 | coding-synon,ncRNA,nonsense | RTEL |
NCBI Build 37 coordinates
Minor allele observed in our data
Minor allele frequency observed in our data
HaploReg results: promoter histone marks found in skin, GI and enhancer histone marks found in 8 tissues including lung and lung carcinoma cell line