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. 2021 Aug 10;42(12):5353–5358. doi: 10.1007/s10072-021-05490-x

Table 1.

Characteristics and clinical course of the patients

Patient Clinical course Intracranial hemorrhage White matter hyperintensity Microbleeds Siderosis Alzheimer biomarkers Corticosteroid treatment Rankin scale (admission-3 months)

Patient 1

70-year-old woman


Balint syndrome in July 2019 (ideational and oculomotor apraxia, echolalia, simultagnosia, visual ataxia, palinopsia), subacute cognitive decline

- Right parietal lobe in June 2015

- Right frontal lobe in December 2017

- Left parietal lobe in July 2019

In the right parietal lobe Multiple Bilateral No sample Methylprednosolone iv 1 g/24 h for 5 days + prednisone 10 mg/day 3–3

Patient 2

73-year-old woman

Hypertension, mellitus diabetes

- PRES and amyloid spells in May 2018

- Balint syndrome in October 2020 (oculomotor and ideational apraxia), aphasia, subacute cognitive decline, headache

NO Multifocal Multiple Left parietal lobe Positive Prednisone 1 mg/kg follow by tapering + prednisone10mg/day 0–1

Patient 3

87-year-old man

Hypertension, dyslipidemia, antiplatelet treatment, rheumatoid arthritis

Low level of consciousness, subacute cognitive decline, seizures, and parkinsonism NO Multifocal Multiple (especially parietal lobe) Bilateral (especially parietal lobe) Positive Methylprednosolone iv 1 g/24 h for 5 days + prednisone 10 mg/24 h 1–5

Patient 4

72-year-old man

Hypertension, dyslipidemia, rheumatic polymyalgia (ANA +)

- Balint syndrome in September 2018 (ideational and oculomotor apraxia, palinopsia, visual ataxia), subacute cognitive decline

- Amyloid spells

Right parietal and occipital lobe Multifocal Multiple (especially parietal lobe) Bilateral (especially parietal lobe) Positive Methylprednosolone iv 1 g/24 h for 5 days + prednisone 10 mg/24 h 1–1

Patient 5

69-year-old woman

- Gerstmann syndrome in December 2018 (strephosymbolia, agraphia, alexia, acalculia), subacute cognitive decline

- Amyloid spells

NO Multifocal Multiple (especially parietal lobe) Left parietal lobe Positive Methylprednosolone iv 1 g/24 h for 5 days + prednisone 10 mg/24 h 1–1