Figure 1.
Injection of dialysis fluid alters peritoneal myeloid cell composition. C57BL/6 mice were injected with Physioneal (filled circles) or left untreated (open squares) and whole PEC isolated 6 h later. Cells were counted and analysed by flow cytometry to determine the number of (A) MΦres (lineage-CD11b+, F4/80high,MHC-II low), (B) neutrophils (lineage +, SSC mid, MHC-II-,F4/80-,CD11b+), (C) monocytes (lineage-CD11b+, F4/80-,MHC-II low, Ly6C high) and (D) MΦmono (lineage-CD11b+, F4/80low,MHC-II high). (E) Histogram and quantitative data of fluorescence mean intensity of MHC-II expression by MΦmono (orange, dashed line) or MΦres from Physioneal injected (orange, solid line) or naive animals (purple, solid line). (F–H) Expression of CD206, Ym1 and binding of Annexin V by MΦres identified in (A) assessed by flow cytometry. Datapoints depict individual animals and bars indicate mean and SD. Data pooled from 4 independent experiments using 3-5 animals per group. Data analysed using a Mann-Whitney-U test after transformation. n.s., not significant; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ****p < 0.0001. lineage: TCRβ CD19 Siglec-F Ly6G.