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. 2021 Jul 27;12:702822. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.702822



Linkage disequilibrium decay of 19 cattle breeds raised in Brazil. Linkage disequilibrium decay illustrating the r2 values across physical distance in base pairs (bp) of the bovine genome in the synthetic, taurine, indicine, and locally adapted groups. ANG, Angus; BWS, Brown Swiss; JER, Jersey; HOL, Holstein; BRA, Brahman; GIR, Gir; IND, Indubrasil; NEL, Nelore; SIN, Sindhi; TAB, Tabapuã; CCD, Caracu Dairy; CCB, Caracu Beef; CRI, CriouloLageano; CUR, CurraleiroPé-Duro; FRA, CriouloLageano do RS; MOC, MochoNacional; PAN, Pantaneiro: CAN, Canchim; GIO, Girolando.