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. 2021 Jul 27;12:702822. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.702822



Percentage of runs of homozygosity (ROH) per length categories in 19 cattle breeds raised in Brazil. The sum of ROH was calculated per animal within each ROH length category for 19 breeds separated into (A) taurine, (B) indicine, (C) locally adapted, and (D) synthetic crossbreds groups. ANG, Angus; BWS, Brown Swiss; JER, Jersey; HOL, Holstein; BRA, Brahman; GIR, Gir; IND, Indubrasil; NEL, Nelore; SIN, Sindhi; TAB, Tabapuã; CCD, Caracu dairy; CCBO, Caracu beef; CRI, CriouloLageano; CUR, CurraleiroPé-Duro; FRA, CriouloLageano do RS; MOC, MochoNacional; PAN, Pantaneiro; CAN, Canchim; GIO, Girolando.