Workflow schematic
of sample preparation and analysis incorporating
both reductive (lower brown track) and nonreductive (upper green track)
β-elimination techniques and analytical approaches. In total,
66 samples were set in the gel and had N-glycans
cleaved and separated. 25% of each sample gel was pooled into four
respective groups—healthy striatum, PD striatum (containing
Braak stages 1–4), healthy substantia nigra, and PD substantia
nigra (containing Braak stages 1–4). The combination of ILBD
(stages 1–2) and PD (stages 3–4) was required due to
low sample numbers from ILBD (three patients—three striata
and three substantia nigra samples). Healthy groups acted as the control
for each brain region. These pools were subjected to reductive β-elimination,
and recovered glycan alditols were identified using MS1, MS2, and MS3 analyses to confirm composition
and linkage position. With knowledge of reduced glycan profiles for
each pool, the remaining 75% of each sample gel was subjected to microwave-assisted
nonreductive β-elimination and 2AB labeling. 50% of each sample
glycan release was analyzed by FLR-HILIC-UPLC for statistical evaluation.
The remaining 50% of released glycans were pooled into their respective
groups and subjected to exoglycosidase digestions (followed by another
round of FLR-HILIC-UPLC analysis) and orthogonal FLR-HILIC-UPLC-MS1 analysis to corroborate exoglycosidase findings, referenced
against glycan alditols analyzed by PGC-LC-MSn. FLR-WAX-UPLC analysis was also performed to confirm glycan
charge distribution across the profile for each group.