Fig. 4.
Specific time-use compositions and their mortality HR and 95% confidence intervals (error bars) compared to the referent composition (i.e., lowest quartile of total activity). Average awake wear time is 14.9 (SD = 1.3) hours per day. (a) Reallocation of 22 min per day from sedentary behavior to moderate-to-vigorous intensity activity (for a total of 25 min per day); all other behaviors remain the same. Twenty-two min per day of moderate-to-vigorous intensity activity approximately totals 150 min per week, which is recommended by current guidelines. (b) Reallocation of time from sedentary behavior to lower-light intensity activity to approximate the mortality HR found in (a): 120 min per day reallocated; all other behaviors remain the same. (c) Reallocation of time from sedentary behavior to higher-light intensity activity to approximate the mortality HR found in (a): 60 min per day reallocated; all other behaviors remain the same. (d) Mean time-use composition of women in this study who met the physical activity guidelines of 150 min per week of moderate-to-vigorous intensity activity (4149 women [25%]). (e) Reallocation of time from sedentary behavior to a combination of higher-light and lower-light intensity activity to approximate the mortality HR found in (d): 90 min to higher-light plus 120 min per day to lower-light intensity activity; moderate-to-vigorous intensity activity remains the same