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. 2021 Aug 10;154:104545. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2021.104545

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics of patients in the training and internal validation sets (n = 321).

Training set (n = 256)

Internal Validation set (n = 65)

Moderate pneumonia Severe pneumonia p Moderate pneumonia Severe pneumonia p p
Age (yr,mean ± SD) 43.676 ± 16.078 64.482 ± 17.303 0.000** 40.000 ± 14.121 65.393 ± 17.508 0.000** 0.890*
Sex n(%) 0.377# 0.313# 0.214#
Men 72(48.6%) 59(54.6%) 20(54.1%) 19(67.9%)
women 76(51.4%) 49(45.4%) 17(45.9%) 9(32.1%)
Fever(n) 91(54.5%) 76(45.5%) 0.147# 24(52.2%) 22(47.8%) 0.279# 0.463#
Cough(n) 86(53.8%) 74(46.2%) 0.117# 21(52.5%) 19(47.5%) 0.444# 0.887#
Other symptoms(n) 74(52.1%) 68(47.9%) 0.042# 22(53.7%) 19(46.3%) 0.606# 0.326#
high-risk heart conditions(n) 19(29.2%) 46(70.8%) 0.000# 5(22.7%) 17(77.3%) 0.000# 0.211#
CLD(n) 3(20.0%) 12(80.0%) 0.003# 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) NA 0.048#
WBC (10^9/L) 5.227 ± 2.955 13.922 ± 44.406 0.004** 5.482 ± 2.561 15.413 ± 26.147 0.030** 0.886*
N (10^9/L) 3.441 ± 2.746 81.182 ± 204.596 0.000** 3.526 ± 2.227 134.309 ± 266.247 0.000** 0.037*
L (10^9/L) 1.310 ± 0.590 2.580 ± 11.324 0.003* 1.474 ± 0.875 0.778 ± 0.434 0.000** 0.314*
D dimer (μg/mL) 89.217 ± 169.431 48.046 ± 194.655 0.056* 74.807 ± 153.752 46.288 ± 194.845 0.487* 0.244*
albumin (g/L) 40.465 ± 3.909 45.293 ± 50.910 0.000* 40.841 ± 4.687 44.894 ± 60.191 0.051* 0.741*
Cr(μmol/L) 62.746 ± 33.771 95.242 ± 133.566 0.010** 58.138 ± 19.012 65.034 ± 19.493 0.529* 0.068*
CK (U/L) 107.980 ± 114.984 327.280 ± 1336.189 0.007* 133.097 ± 205.248 94.606 ± 102.351 0.422* 0.248*
LDH (U/L) 219.476 ± 86.180 618.741 ± 3181.724 0.001** 211.938 ± 105.688 253.951 ± 108.985 0.630* 0.041*
CRP(mg/L) 20.301 ± 26.260 341.612 ± 1783.586 0.000** 15.297 ± 19.802 232.289 ± 767.839 0.005* 0.548*
co-infection 7(18.4%) 31(81.6%) 0.000# 1(8.3%) 11(91.7%) 0.000# 0.450#

Clinical characteristics and serum biomarkers of patients in the training and internal validation set. Other symptoms including muscle aches, fatigue, headache, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, shortness of breath and vomiting. High-risk heart conditions means companying with any of hypertension, hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia. CLD = chronic lung disease or asthma, WBC = white blood cells count, N = neutrophil count, L = lymphocyte count, Cr = creatinine, CK = creatine kinase, LDH = lactate dehydrogenase, CRP = C reactive protein and co-infection means co-infected with other pathogen infection.

Note: yr = year; std = standard deviation; P-value < 0.05 was considered as a significant difference.


student's t test


Mann–Whitney U test


chi-square test