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. 2021 Aug 6;12(1):1948253. doi: 10.1080/20008198.2021.1948253

Table 2.

Results of Johnson–Neyman procedure

Model Crossover
n Int group n Control group
Cent Uncent Cent
Cent Upper Uncent Lower Uncent Upper
HSCL-25 −0.902 1.052 −2.356 −0.447 0.616 1.43 46 44
PCL-5 −28.259 8.629 −55.874 −17.02 4.85 18.084 44 40
Impairment −0.458 0.112 −0.837 −0.204 −0.95 0.85 44 50

Note. HSCL-25 = Hopkins Symptom Checklist; PCL-5 = Post-traumatic stress disorder checklist for DSM-5; Impairment = Tuvalu Impairment Checklist; SROS = simultaneous regions of significance; Cent = centred; Uncent = Uncentred; n = sample size of cases falling within the lower and upper SROS regions.