Figure 3.
Audible and ultrasonic communications at PND21. A, Fraction of calls in the ultrasonic range (above 20 kHz). B, Average power of calls below 20 kHz. C, Average power of calls above 20 kHz. D, Power of calls. The F test was used for data analysis. Treatment, sex, and treatment by sex interaction were included in the model. Treatment effects were analyzed with dam nested under treatment and used as error term. There was significant (p < 0.01) treatment effect on fraction of calls above 20 kHz as indicated in A. Error bars represent SEM. Number of replicates tested = 13 female and 13 male mice for CTL group, 10 female and 10 male mice for OXY group. Datapoints for all replicates who engaged in the various behaviors are shown. However, many of the animals in both groups did not exhibit any calls during the trial period.