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. 2021 Jul 14;22(1):100256. doi: 10.1016/j.ijchp.2021.100256

Table 2.

CFA, reliability, and test-retest results of MCCS per country.

Country SBχ2 df CFI RMSEA SRMR Cronbach's alpha ICC (n)
Algeriaa 67.28* 26 .939 .079 [.056, .103] .045 .88 .71 (36)
Argentina 34.58* 27 .984 .044 [.000, .083] .037 .91 N/A
Bangladesh 84.07* 27 .946 .078 [.060, .098] .049 .90 N/A
Brazil 54.61* 27 .969 .059 [.036, .081] .037 .89 .86 (32)
Canada 55.68* 27 .973 .057 [.035, .078] .033 .90 N/A
Colombiaa 44.17* 26 .947 .078 [.035, .117] .052 .88 N/A
Egypt 65.47* 27 .962 .071 [.049, .093] .038 .91 .88 (48)
France 85.27* 27 .940 .068 [.052, .085] .040 .83 .60 (31)
Germanyb 62.54* 26 .928 .071 [.048, .093] .053 .81 .85 (41)
Hungary 71.467* 27 .917 .079 [.057, .102] .050 .84 .66 (29)
India 82.29* 27 .968 .059 [.044, .073] .032 .89 .71 (48)
Indonesia 54.61* 27 .954 .061 [.037, .084] .044 .88 .84 (57)
Italy 88.15* 27 .938 .067 [.051, .082] .041 .83 .85
Lebanon 66.16* 27 .951 .070 [.049, .092] .041 .88 .75 (51)
Mexico 90.74* 27 .962 .060 [.047, .074] .033 .90 .60 (46)
New Zealand and Australiac 36.45* 26 .974 .065 [.000, .111] .038 .92 N/A
Nigeria 39.81* 27 .992 .033 [.000, .054] .022 .93 .65 (37)
Pakistand 87.35* 26 .970 .075 [.058, .093] .032 .94 N/A
Poland 54.67* 27 .956 .061 [.037, .084] .040 .85 .76 (34)
Portugalb,f 96.75* 25 .927 .077 [.061, .094] .046 .83 .88 (27)
Romania 93.65* 27 .952 .067 [.053, .082] .038 .87 .69 (49)
Russiae 76.62* 28 .931 .080 [.059, .101] .050 .86 .78 (46)
Slovenia 126.89* 27 .957 .054 [.045, .064] .032 .83 .75 (42)
Spain 43.58* 27 .983 .043 [.016, .066] .030 .89 .86 (37)
Sweden 64.36* 27 .929 .071 [.048, .093] .047 .82 N/A
Thailand 74.30* 27 .959 .066 [.048, .084] .038 .90 .98 (44)
Turkeyc,g 62.91* 24 .944 .073 [.051, .096] .057 .86 .64 (39)
United Kingdom 65.00* 27 .960 .061 [.042, .080] .037 .87 .72 (18)
United Statesf 72.39* 26 .936 .080 [.058, .102] .051 .88 .68 (20)

Notes. S-Bχ2=Satorra–Bentler scaled chi-square; df = degrees of freedom; CFI= Comparative Fit Index; SRMR = Standardised Root Mean Residual; RMSEA = Root Mean Square Error of Approximation; ICC = Intraclass Correlation Coefficient.

signifcant at p < .05.


Error terms for Items 1 and 6 were allowed to correlate.


Error terms for Items 4 and 3 were allowed to correlate.


Error terms for Items 1 and 2 were allowed to correlate.


Error terms for Items 8 and 9 were allowed to correlate.


Error terms for Items 4 and 5 were allowed to correlate.


Error terms for Items 3 and 5 were allowed to correlate.


Error terms for Items 1 and 8 and for 6 and 9 were allowed to correlate.

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