Context |
Population |
Age group: children (0–4); children (5–9); early adolescence (10–14); older adolescence (15–19); adult 20–64; old age (65+); age range [state]
Recipient of programme: female; male; other [state]; subgroup [state]
Targeted indirect beneficiaries: female; male; other [state]; subgroup [state]
Intervention |
Type of social protection programme(s): social assistance [state]; social insurance [state]; labour market [state]; social care [state]; other [state]
Intervention name [state]
Duration of intervention [state]
Institution(s) providing the programme(s): government agency; government agency and nongovernmental organisation; government agency and private organisation; other [state]
Methodology |
Type of review: systematic review; systematic review with meta‐analysis; rapid evidence assessment; rapid review; review protocol
Type of analysis: quantitative [state]; qualitative [state]
Number of included studies [state]
Review time range [state]
Types of included studies: experimental; quasi‐experimental; observational cross‐sectional; observational longitudinal; qualitative; mixed methods; other [state]
Measurements [state]
Outcome(s) and outcome area: economic security and empowerment; improved health; enhanced education; improved mental health and psychosocial well‐being; increased protection; enhanced voice and agency; other [state]
Comparison [state]
Risk of bias used in review
Quality appraisal |
Is the review question clearly and explicitly stated? (met; not met; unclear; not applicable)
Were the inclusion criteria appropriate for the review question? (met; not met; unclear; not applicable)
Was the search strategy appropriate? (met; not met; unclear; not applicable)
Were the sources and resources used to search for studies adequate? (met; not met; unclear; not applicable)
Were the criteria for appraising studies appropriate? (met; not met; unclear; not applicable)
Was critical appraisal conducted by two or more reviewers independently? (met; not met; unclear; not applicable)
Were there methods to minimise errors in data extraction? (met; not met; unclear; not applicable)
Were the methods used to combine studies appropriate? (met; not met; unclear; not applicable)
Was the likelihood of publication bias assessed? (met; not met; unclear; not applicable)
Were recommendations for policy and/or practice supported by the reported data? (met; not met; unclear; not applicable)
Were the specific directives for new research appropriate? (met; not met; unclear; not applicable)
Review findings—Research question 1 |
Results by outcome area: |
Economic security and empowerment [state]
Improved health [state]
Enhanced education [state]
Improved mental health and psychosocial well‐being [state]
Increased protection [state]
Enhanced voice and agency [state]
Other [state]
If quantitative findings (gender): |
Review findings—Research question 2 |
Moderators: |
Intra‐household dynamics [state]
Access to market [state]
Social and cultural norms [state]
Gender norms [state]
Gender‐responsive policies and laws [state]
Macroeconomic conditions [state]
Conflict and instability [state]
Political conditions [state]
Availability, accessibility, affordability, acceptability and quality of services [state]
Other [state]
Structural and individual drivers: |
Discriminatory gender norms [state]
Harmful traditional practices [state]
Gender discriminatory laws and policies [state]
Age and stage in the lifecycle [state]
Household composition [state]
Social identify [state]
Disability [state]
Other [state]
Review findings—Research question 3 |
Design factors: |
Objectives [state]
Benefit design [state]
Eligibility criteria and targeting [state]
Incentives, conditionalities, coresponsibilities [state]
Payment/benefit delivery [state]
Messaging, labelling and nudges [state]
Linkages to complementary programme services [state]
Other [state]
Implementation factors: |
Implementation and fidelity of design [state]
Capacity in delivery of benefits and services [state]
M&E [state]
Sex‐ and age‐disaggregated data [state]
Integrated management information systems and social and information registries [state]
Grievance and redress mechanisms [state]
Other [state]
Other |
Recommendations [state]
Research gaps [state]