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. 2020 May 5;16(2):e1086. doi: 10.1002/cl2.1086

Table 2.

Overview of the studies included in the review

Author and year Full sample size (M, F) Age span (mean, SD) Clinical anxiety screening? IQ screening? IQ (mean, SD) Comparison Outcome measures Intervention type Individual or group sessions? Family involvement in sessions? Delivery format Subsequent follow‐up
Chalfant, Rapee, and Carroll (2007) 47 (35, 12) 8–13 years (10.8, 1.4) Yes, ADIS No, referral documentation for age appropriate language skills IT v WLC/TAU RCMAS CBT: Cool Kids with modification for HFA Group Yes Face to face None
Clarke, Hill, and Charman (2017) 28 (28, 0) 11–14 years (12.7, 0.8) No, teacher report Yes, WASI IT: 97.71 (11.37) IT v WLC/TAU SCAS‐P CBT: Exploring Feelings Group No Face to face 6/8 weeks
WLC: 106.57 (13.93) SCAS‐C
Conaughton, Donovan, and March (2017) 42 (36, 6) 8–12 years (9.7, 1.3) Yes, ADIS No, required to read and write English at 8‐year‐old level IT v WLC/TAU SCAS‐P CBT: BRAVE Online Individual No Computer (online) 3 months
Corbett, Blain, Ioannou, and Balser (2017) 30 (24, 6) 8–14 years (11.0, 2.2) No Yes, WASI (IQ ≥ 70) IT: 106.06 (16.83) IT v WLC/TAU STAI‐C Social Emotional Neuro Science Endocrinology (SENSE) Theater therapy Group No Face to face None
WLC: 95.85 (21.19)
Fujii et al. (2013) 12 (9, 3) 7–11 years (8.8, 1.6) Yes, ADIS No, exclusion criteria of IQ < 70 IT v WL/TAU ADIS‐CRS CBT: Building Confidence with modification for ASD Individual Yes Face to face None
Hepburn, Blakeley‐Smith, Wolff, and Reaven (2016) 33 (27, 6) 7–19 years (11.8, 2.3) Yes, SCARED No categories only reported IT v Comparison (not strictly WL as recruited later) SCARED‐P CBT: Facing Your Fears Telehealth delivery (videoconferencing) Group Yes Video conference None
Luxford, Hadwin, and Kovsoff (2017) 35 (31, 4) 11–15 years (13.2, 1.1) Yes, SAS or Spence Yes, WASI (FIQ and VIQ ≥ 70) IT: 105.44 (17.83) IT v WLC/TAU SCAS‐C CBT: Exploring feelings Group No Face to face 6 weeks
WLC: 102 (11.30) SCAS‐P
MacKinnon, Comerford, Parham, and Roberts (2014) 24 (20, 4) 9–17 years (12.4, 1.8) Yes, ADIS No 4 participants described as having “mild ID,” no further information IT v WLC/TAU ADIS‐P CBT: Cool Kids with modifications for ASD/ID Group Yes Face to face None
McConachie et al. (2014) 32 (28, 4) 9–13 years (11.8, 1.4) Yes, ADIS Yes, WAI (FIQ > 69) T: 100.5 (17.2) IT v WL/TAU ADIS‐C CBT: Exploring Feelings, inclusion of additional introductory session Group Yes Face to face 6 months and 9 months
WLC: 100.7 (12.0) SCAS‐P
McNally Keehn, Lincoln, Brown, and Chavira (2013) 22 (21, 1) 8–14 years (11.3, 1.5) Yes, ADIS Yes, WASI (FIQ ≥ 70) IT: 108.42 (17.7) IT v WLC/TAU ADIS‐P CBT: Coping Cat, with modifications for ASD Group Yes Face to face 2 months
WLC: 110.40 (17.39) SCAS‐P
Murphy et al. (2017) 36 (22, 14) 12–18 years (15.3, 1.8) Yes, ADIS No, required main‐stream school attend‐ance (de facto IQ > 7) Not reported CBT v alt treatment (counseling) ADIS‐CRS CBT: Multimodal Anxiety and Social Skills Intervention for adolescents with ASD (MASSI) Group(+ some individual) No Face to face 3 months
Ohan et al. (2016) 24 (18, 6) 8–12 years (9.1, 1.2) Yes, SCARED No, exclusion of comorbid ID based on family report Not reported IT v WLC/TAU CALIS‐P CBT: Cool Kids adaptation for ASD, further adapted to reduce number of sessions to fit with school term Group Yes Face to face None
Piravej, Tangtrongchitr, Chandarasiri, Paothong, and Sukprasong (2009) 60 (49, 11) 3–10 years (4.7, 1.8) No No Not reported TTM + SI v SI CPRS Thai traditional massage Individual No (presence only) Face to face None
Pryor (2016) 24 (22, 2) 7–17 years (12.3, 2.4) Yes, ADIS Yes, WASI (VIQ ≥ 70) Group 1:  CCAL v social skills intervention (TSE), cross‐over ADIS‐P CBT: CCAL, computer‐assisted Individual No Computer None
FIQ: 91.67 (12.32); VIQ: 88.75 (11.83) MASC‐C
Group 2 MASC‐P
FIQ: 102. 58 (12.67); SCAS‐C
VIQ: 100.33 (11.50) SCAS‐P
Reaven et al. (2009) 33 (26, 7) 8–14 years (11.8, 1.9) Yes, SCARED Yes, WASI FIQ ≥ 70, initial VIQ ≥ 80 but revised to “spontaneous, functional verbal language of the complexity required to complete Module III of the ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule).” If WISC‐IV conducted within past 2 years, WASI not performed Total sample: FIQ: 102.46 (16.22); VIQ: 102.65 (19.51); Non‐VIQ: 101.76 (15.07). No group comparison presented. IT v WLC/TAU SCARED‐C CBT: manual Group Yes Face to face None
Reaven, Blakeley‐Smith, Culhane‐Shelburne, and Hepburn (2012) 50 (48, 2) 7–14 years (10.4, 1.7) Yes, SCARED Yes, WASI (if not assessed in past 3 years) initial VIQ ≥ 80 but subjects with VIQ < 80 evaluated for participation and 3 included IT: FIQ: 107.80 916.85); VIQ: 107.00 (19.51); Non‐VIQ: 109.67 (16.38). TAU: FIQ: 102.23 (17.33); VIQ: 100.73 (18.98); Non‐VIQ: 105.04 (17.86). IT v WLC/TAU ADIS‐P CBT: Facing Your Fears Group Yes Face to face 3 months and 6 months
Sofronoff, Attwood, and Hinton (2005) 71 (62, 9) 10–12 years (10.6, 1.1) Yes, SCAS and SCAS‐P. SCAS dropped as outcome measure No requirements for inclusion stated, short‐form WISC‐III IQs reported IT child only: IT child only v IT parent + child v WLC/TAU SCAS‐P CBT: brief Group No (Group 1) Face to face 6 weeks
FIQ: 107.5 (27.3) Yes (Group 2)
IT parent + child:
FIQ: 105.6 (21.2)
WLC: FIQ: 101.0 (27.2)
Storch et al. (2013) 45 (36, 9) 7–11 years (8.9, 1.3) Yes, ADIS No, exclusion criteria of FIQ or VIQ < 70 (parental report during enrollment) Not reported IT v WLC/TAU ADIS‐CRS CBT: Behavioral Interventions for Anxiety in Children with Autism (BIACA) Individual Yes Face to face 3 months
Storch et al. (2015) 31 (25, 6) 11–16 years (12.7, 1.3) Yes, ADIS‐IV‐C/P No, exclusion criteria of WASI IQ < 80 (parental report during enrollment, no report of conducting screening) Not reported IT v TAU ADIS‐CRS CBT: BIACA modified for adolescents Individual Yes Face to face 1 month
Sung et al. (2011) 70 (66, 4) 9–16 years (11.2, 1.8) Yes, SCAS‐C Yes, WISC‐IV Verbal Comprehension ≥ 80 and Perceptual Reasoning ≥ 90 CBT: Verbal Comp: 100.25 (13.97)* sig diff to SR group; Perceptual Reasoning: 108.00 (12.26) CBT v social recreation program SCAS‐C CBT: elements of Coping Cat, Exploring Feelings, and unpublished programs, modified for Asian cultural context Group No Face to face 3 months and 6 months
SR: Verbal Comp: 93.06 (12.81); Perceptual Reasoning: 105.94 (11.07)
van Steensel and Bögels (2015) 79 (58, 21) 7–18 years (11.8, 2.7) Yes, ADIS‐C/P No, inclusion criteria of ≥70 stated but estimated based on school progression (in case of poor school performance, IQ was assessed but found to still be >70) Not reported CBT ASD + AD v AD only, ASD + AD pre‐post ADIS‐CRS CBT: Discussing + Doing = Daring Individual Yes Face to face 3 months, 1 year and 2 years
White et al. (2013) 30 (23, 7) 12–17 years (14.6, 1.5) Yes, ADIS‐C/P Yes, inclusion criteria of current VIQ ≥ 70 and no previous diagnosis of ID (WASI subscales of Vocabulary and Similarities conducted as confirmation) IT: IT v WLC/TAU CASI‐Anx CBT: MASSI Group (+ some individual) Yes Face to face None
VIQ: 100.07 (16.49) PARS
VIQ: 94.07 (11.92)
Wood et al. (2009) 40 (27, 13) 7–11 years (9.2, 1.5) Yes, ADIS‐C/P Exclusion criteria of VIQ < 70 (previous assessment or WISC/IV at intake) Not reported IT v WLC/TAU ADIS‐CRS CBT: Building Confidence with modifications Individual Yes Face to face 3 months
Wood et al. (2015) 33 (23, 10) 11–15 years (12.3, 1.1) Yes, ADIS‐IV‐C/P Inclusion criteria on of WISC‐IV FIQ ≥ 85, evaluated if no current (3 years) documentation Not reported IT v WLC/TAU ADIS‐CRS CBT: BIACA Individual Yes Face to face 1 month

Abbreviations: ADIS, Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; CASI‐Anx, Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index; CALIS, Child Anxiety Life Interference Scale; CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy; CCAL, Camp Cope‐A‐Lot; CPRS, Conners’ Parent Rating Scales; FIQ, full scale IQ; IT, intervention group; MASC, Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children; PARS, Pediatric Anxiety Rating Scale; RCADS, Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale; RCMAS, Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale; SCARED, Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders; SCAS, Spence Child Anxiety Scale; STAI‐C, State‐Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children; SWQ, Social Worries Questionnaire; TAU, treatment as usual; VIQ, verbal IQ; WASI, Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence; WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WLC, wait‐list control.