Table 2.
Characteristics of Included studies
Study title | Name of intervention(s) | Complexity of needs | Sample size | Age | Sex | Design | Typology |
Appel (2012) | Keeping “Home project”: Housing First approach | Poor Mental Health and Substance abuse issues | 61 | Mean: Intervention, 45.9 (range 26–63); Control, 39.7 (no range mentioned) |
Male: Intervention, 26 (80.8%); Control, 19 (63.3%). Female: Intervention, 5 (19.2%); Control, 11 (36.7%) |
Non‐RCT | High unconditional |
Brown (2016) | Housing First | Poor Mental Health (70.9%) and Substance abuse issues (75.8%) | 182 | Mean, 42.79; SD, 11.14 | Male: 73.6%; Female: 26.4% | Non‐RCT | High unconditional |
Buchanan (2006) | Respite Care | Poor Physical Health | 225 | Mean (SD), Intervention, 43 (9); Control, 44 (10) |
Male: Intervention, 78% (125); Control, 81% (52). Female: Intervention, 22% (36); Control, 19% (12) |
Non‐RCT | Moderate conditional |
Buchanan (2009) | The Chicago Housing for Health Partnership (CHHP) | Poor Physical Health and substance abuse issues | 94 | Intervention, mean 45 (SD 6.9); Control, mean 43 (SD 7.7) |
Male: Intervention, 39 (72%); Control; 43 (84%). Female: Intervention, 15 (28%); Control, 8 (16%) |
RCT | High—conditional and unconditional, depending on participant |
Cheng (2007) | HUD‐VASH | Poor Physical Health and substance abuse issues | 460 | Not specified | Not specified | RCT | Moderate unconditional |
Gilmer (2010) | Full‐Service Partnerships (FSP) | Poor Mental Health and Incarceration | 363 | Mean (SD), Intervention, 44 (9); Control, 43 (11) |
Male: Intervention, 131/209 (63%); Control, 97/154 (63%). Female: Intervention, 78/209 (37%); Control, 57/154 (37%) |
Non‐RCT | High conditional |
Goering (2011) | Chez Soi—Housing First | Poor Mental Health | 2131 | 40.89 (SD, 11.23) | Male: 1508 (67.9%); Female: 603 (31.2); Other: 20 (.9%) | RCT | High unconditional |
Goldfinger (1999) | Group homes, or Independent Apartments. | Poor Mental Health and Substance abuse issues | 110 | Mean, 38 |
(Intervention only) Male: 85 (72%); Female 33 (28%) |
RCT | High unconditional |
Gulcur (2003) | HOUSING FIRST Continuum of Care | Poor Mental Health and Incarceration and Substance abuse issues | 199 | Not specified |
Male: 173; Female: 52 |
RCT | High unconditional |
Howard (2011) | Crisis House or Patient preference of Crisis House | Poor Mental Health | 44 | Mean (SD), 37.5(11.1) | Female: 102 participants (100%) | RCT | Moderate conditional |
Hwang (2011) | Supportive housing | None specified | 112 |
22 people aged 17–0, 90 people aged 31 and over |
81 male 72% 30 (27%) women one (1%) transgendered individual | Non‐RCT | High conditional |
Kertesz (2007) | ACH Vs NACH Vs Control | Poor psychical Health, poor mental health, incarceration and substance abuse issues. | 99 |
Mean (SD): ACH: 38.25 (2.61); N‐ACH: 41.25 (3.19); Control: 38.5 (2.61) |
Male: ACH, 74.6% (47); N‐ACH, 76.8% (50); Control/No Housing, 76.8% (50). Female: ACH, 25.4% (16); N‐ACH, 24.2% (16); Control/No Housing, 24.2% (16) |
Intervention 1, high conditional. Intervention 2, high unconditional |
Larimer (2009) | Housing First | Poor Physical health and substance abuse issues | 134 | Mean (SD), Overall, 48 (10); Intervention: 48 (9); Control: 48 (11) |
Male, 94% (126); Female, 6% (8) |
Non‐RCT | High unconditional |
Levitt (2013) | Home to stay | None Specified |
Mean (SD), Intervention: 33.5 (8.7); Control: 33.9 (7.2) |
Not specified | RCT | Moderate conditional | |
Lim (2017) | NYNY IIII | Substance Abuse Issues, care leaver and high risk of harm and/or exploitation | 895 | Mean overall: 18.6 |
Male, 510; Female, 385 |
Non‐RCT | High unconditional |
Lim (2018) | New York Supportive Housing Program | Poor Mental Health and Substance abuse issues | 330 families/2827 individuals | Number of people in each group: 18–34 years, 16%; 35–44 years, 26%; 45–54 years, 38%; ≥55 years, 20% |
Male, 70% of 2827; Female, 30% of 2827 |
Non‐RCT | High unconditional |
Lipton (2000) | Intervention 1: High Intensity Housing Intervention 2: Moderate Intensity Housing Intervention 3: Low Intensity Housing | Poor Mental Health and Substance abuse issues | 2937 | Mean (SD), 40.3(10.3) |
Male 67% n = 1980; Female 33%, n = 957 |
Non‐RCT |
Intervention 1, high conditional. Intervention 2, moderate conditional |
McHugo (2004) | Integrated housing services programme | Poor Mental Health | 113 | Ranged, 21–60 years |
Male: Intervention, 29 (47.5%); Control, 29 (48.3%). Female: Intervention, 32; Control, 31 |
RCT | High unconditional |
Milby (1996) | Enhanced Care | Substance abuse issues | 176 | Age, mean (SD) Usual Care, 35.7 (6.2); Enhanced Care, 36.0 (6.6) |
Male Intervention 54 (87.1%) Usual Care 50 (72.5%) Female Usual Care 8 (12.9) Enhanced Care 19 (27.5) |
RCT | High conditional |
Milby (2000) | Day treatment+ | Poor Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues | 110 | Mean (SD), DT, 39.1 (7.5); DT+, 37.3 (7.2); Al, 38.1 (7.4) |
Male: DT, 45 (83%); DT+, 39 (70%); All, 84 (76%). Female: DT, 9 (17); DT+, 17 (30); All, 26 (24%) |
RCT | High conditional |
Milby (2008) | CM and CM+ (Contingency Management plus behavioural day treatment) | Substance abuse issues | 206 | CM, 39.5 (7.2); CM+, 40.6 (7.1) |
Male: CM, 77 (74.8%); CM+, 73 (70.9%). Female: CM, 26 (25.2); CM+, 30 (29.1 |
RCT | High conditional |
O'Connell (2012) | Housing and Urban Development–Veterans Affairs Supported Housing (HUD‐VASH) Intensive Care Management (ICM) | Poor physical Health, Poor mental health, substance abuse issues | 207 | Age (median + SD), TAU, 42.3 + −7.5; ICM, 44.0 + −6.3; HUD‐VASH, 41.8 + −7.1 | 100% Male | RCT | Moderate unconditional |
Sadowski (2009) | Housing and Case management (HOUSING FIRST) | Poor mental health and substance abuse issues | 357 | 25 and over |
Male, 310/405 75%; Female, 95/405 25% |
RCT | High unconditional |
Shern (1997) | New York Street Study—Specialised Housing | Poor Mental Health | 168 | 37.5 (9.01) years |
Male, 72%; Male, (644). Female, 28%; Female, (250) |
RCT | Moderate conditional |
Siegel (2006) | Supported Housing (SH) vs community residences (CR) | Poor Physical Health, poor mental health and Substance abuse issues | 47 |
Mean (SD): Stratum 1 (N‐10): SH, 34.7 (7.9); CR, 36(7.9) (n‐37). Stratum 2: SH, 41.6 (11.2) (N‐18); CR, 41.3 (10) (N‐28). Stratum 3: SH, 47.4 (10.1) (N‐39); CR, 41.6 (8.5) (N‐7) |
Male: 91/139 across three strata of interventions. Female: 48/139 Across three strata of interventions |
Non‐RCT |
Intervention 1, high unconditional. Intervention 2, high conditional |
Sosin (1996) | Housing and case management Case management alone | Substance abuse issues | 419 | Mean, 35; Housing, 35.5; case management, 35.2; control, 34.6 |
Male: 74.5% 312. Female: 25.5% 107 |
Non‐RCT | Moderate conditional |
Srebnik (2013) | Housing First | Poor Physical Health, poor mental health and substance abuse issues | 60 | Intervention mean, 51.3; SD, 9.2. Control mean, 50.0; SD, 6.9 |
Male: 52 (87%); Intervention, 21 (72%); Comparison, 31 (100%); Female: 8 (13%); Intervention, 8 (28%); Comparison, 0 (0%) |
Non‐RCT | High unconditional |
Stefancic and Tsemberis (2007) | Pathways Consortium (Housing First) | Poor mental health and substance abuse issues | 392 | over 18 to be eligible, otherwise not specified |
Male:74.23% 193; Pathways, 71, 67.6%; Consortium, 83, 79.8%; Control, 39, 76.5%. Female: 25.77%. 67; Pathways, 34, 32.4%; Consortium, 21, 20.2%; Control, 12, 23.5% |
RCT | High unconditional |