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. 2021 May 18;17(2):e1165. doi: 10.1002/cl2.1165

Table 2.

Characteristics of Included studies

Study title Name of intervention(s) Complexity of needs Sample size Age Sex Design Typology
Appel (2012) Keeping “Home project”: Housing First approach Poor Mental Health and Substance abuse issues 61 Mean: Intervention, 45.9 (range 26–63); Control, 39.7 (no range mentioned)

Male: Intervention, 26 (80.8%); Control, 19 (63.3%).

Female: Intervention, 5 (19.2%); Control, 11 (36.7%)

Non‐RCT High unconditional
Brown (2016) Housing First Poor Mental Health (70.9%) and Substance abuse issues (75.8%) 182 Mean, 42.79; SD, 11.14 Male: 73.6%; Female: 26.4% Non‐RCT High unconditional
Buchanan (2006) Respite Care Poor Physical Health 225 Mean (SD), Intervention, 43 (9); Control, 44 (10)

Male: Intervention, 78% (125); Control, 81% (52).

Female: Intervention, 22% (36); Control, 19% (12)

Non‐RCT Moderate conditional
Buchanan (2009) The Chicago Housing for Health Partnership (CHHP) Poor Physical Health and substance abuse issues 94 Intervention, mean 45 (SD 6.9); Control, mean 43 (SD 7.7)

Male: Intervention, 39 (72%); Control; 43 (84%).

Female: Intervention, 15 (28%); Control, 8 (16%)

RCT High—conditional and unconditional, depending on participant
Cheng (2007) HUD‐VASH Poor Physical Health and substance abuse issues 460 Not specified Not specified RCT Moderate unconditional
Gilmer (2010) Full‐Service Partnerships (FSP) Poor Mental Health and Incarceration 363 Mean (SD), Intervention, 44 (9); Control, 43 (11)

Male: Intervention, 131/209 (63%); Control, 97/154 (63%).

Female: Intervention, 78/209 (37%); Control, 57/154 (37%)

Non‐RCT High conditional
Goering (2011) Chez Soi—Housing First Poor Mental Health 2131 40.89 (SD, 11.23) Male: 1508 (67.9%); Female: 603 (31.2); Other: 20 (.9%) RCT High unconditional
Goldfinger (1999) Group homes, or Independent Apartments. Poor Mental Health and Substance abuse issues 110 Mean, 38

(Intervention only)

Male: 85 (72%); Female 33 (28%)

RCT High unconditional
Gulcur (2003) HOUSING FIRST Continuum of Care Poor Mental Health and Incarceration and Substance abuse issues 199 Not specified

Male: 173;

Female: 52

RCT High unconditional
Howard (2011) Crisis House or Patient preference of Crisis House Poor Mental Health 44 Mean (SD), 37.5(11.1) Female: 102 participants (100%) RCT Moderate conditional
Hwang (2011) Supportive housing None specified 112

22 people aged 17–0,

90 people aged 31 and over

81 male 72% 30 (27%) women one (1%) transgendered individual Non‐RCT High conditional
Kertesz (2007) ACH Vs NACH Vs Control Poor psychical Health, poor mental health, incarceration and substance abuse issues. 99

Mean (SD): ACH: 38.25 (2.61);

N‐ACH: 41.25 (3.19);

Control: 38.5 (2.61)

Male: ACH, 74.6% (47); N‐ACH, 76.8% (50); Control/No Housing, 76.8% (50).

Female: ACH, 25.4% (16); N‐ACH, 24.2% (16); Control/No Housing, 24.2% (16)


Intervention 1, high conditional.

Intervention 2, high unconditional

Larimer (2009) Housing First Poor Physical health and substance abuse issues 134 Mean (SD), Overall, 48 (10); Intervention: 48 (9); Control: 48 (11)

Male, 94% (126);

Female, 6% (8)

Non‐RCT High unconditional
Levitt (2013) Home to stay None Specified

Mean (SD), Intervention: 33.5 (8.7);

Control: 33.9 (7.2)

Not specified RCT Moderate conditional
Lim (2017) NYNY IIII Substance Abuse Issues, care leaver and high risk of harm and/or exploitation 895 Mean overall: 18.6

Male, 510;

Female, 385

Non‐RCT High unconditional
Lim (2018) New York Supportive Housing Program Poor Mental Health and Substance abuse issues 330 families/2827 individuals Number of people in each group: 18–34 years, 16%; 35–44 years, 26%; 45–54 years, 38%; ≥55 years, 20%

Male, 70% of 2827;

Female, 30% of 2827

Non‐RCT High unconditional
Lipton (2000) Intervention 1: High Intensity Housing Intervention 2: Moderate Intensity Housing Intervention 3: Low Intensity Housing Poor Mental Health and Substance abuse issues 2937 Mean (SD), 40.3(10.3)

Male 67% n = 1980;

Female 33%, n = 957


Intervention 1, high conditional.

Intervention 2, moderate conditional

McHugo (2004) Integrated housing services programme Poor Mental Health 113 Ranged, 21–60 years

Male: Intervention, 29 (47.5%); Control, 29 (48.3%).

Female: Intervention, 32; Control, 31

RCT High unconditional
Milby (1996) Enhanced Care Substance abuse issues 176 Age, mean (SD) Usual Care, 35.7 (6.2); Enhanced Care, 36.0 (6.6)

Male Intervention 54 (87.1%) Usual Care 50 (72.5%)

Female Usual Care 8 (12.9) Enhanced Care 19 (27.5)

RCT High conditional
Milby (2000) Day treatment+ Poor Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues 110 Mean (SD), DT, 39.1 (7.5); DT+, 37.3 (7.2); Al, 38.1 (7.4)

Male: DT, 45 (83%); DT+, 39 (70%); All, 84 (76%).

Female: DT, 9 (17); DT+, 17 (30); All, 26 (24%)

RCT High conditional
Milby (2008) CM and CM+ (Contingency Management plus behavioural day treatment) Substance abuse issues 206 CM, 39.5 (7.2); CM+, 40.6 (7.1)

Male: CM, 77 (74.8%); CM+, 73 (70.9%).

Female: CM, 26 (25.2); CM+, 30 (29.1

RCT High conditional
O'Connell (2012) Housing and Urban Development–Veterans Affairs Supported Housing (HUD‐VASH) Intensive Care Management (ICM) Poor physical Health, Poor mental health, substance abuse issues 207 Age (median + SD), TAU, 42.3 + −7.5; ICM, 44.0 + −6.3; HUD‐VASH, 41.8 + −7.1 100% Male RCT Moderate unconditional
Sadowski (2009) Housing and Case management (HOUSING FIRST) Poor mental health and substance abuse issues 357 25 and over

Male, 310/405 75%;

Female, 95/405 25%

RCT High unconditional
Shern (1997) New York Street Study—Specialised Housing Poor Mental Health 168 37.5 (9.01) years

Male, 72%; Male, (644).

Female, 28%; Female, (250)

RCT Moderate conditional
Siegel (2006) Supported Housing (SH) vs community residences (CR) Poor Physical Health, poor mental health and Substance abuse issues 47

Mean (SD):

Stratum 1 (N‐10): SH, 34.7 (7.9); CR, 36(7.9) (n‐37). Stratum 2: SH, 41.6 (11.2) (N‐18); CR, 41.3 (10) (N‐28).

Stratum 3: SH, 47.4 (10.1) (N‐39); CR, 41.6 (8.5) (N‐7)

Male: 91/139 across three strata of interventions.

Female: 48/139

Across three strata of interventions


Intervention 1, high unconditional.

Intervention 2, high conditional

Sosin (1996) Housing and case management Case management alone Substance abuse issues 419 Mean, 35; Housing, 35.5; case management, 35.2; control, 34.6

Male: 74.5% 312.

Female: 25.5% 107

Non‐RCT Moderate conditional
Srebnik (2013) Housing First Poor Physical Health, poor mental health and substance abuse issues 60 Intervention mean, 51.3; SD, 9.2. Control mean, 50.0; SD, 6.9

Male: 52 (87%); Intervention, 21 (72%); Comparison, 31 (100%);

Female: 8 (13%); Intervention, 8 (28%); Comparison, 0 (0%)

Non‐RCT High unconditional
Stefancic and Tsemberis (2007) Pathways Consortium (Housing First) Poor mental health and substance abuse issues 392 over 18 to be eligible, otherwise not specified

Male:74.23% 193; Pathways, 71, 67.6%; Consortium, 83, 79.8%; Control, 39, 76.5%.

Female: 25.77%. 67; Pathways, 34, 32.4%; Consortium, 21, 20.2%; Control, 12, 23.5%

RCT High unconditional