Table 2.
Substring 1: WASH‐related terms | Substring 2: GSE‐related terms | |
toilet* OR latrine* OR watsan OR sanita* OR sewage OR sewerage OR wastewater* OR "waste water" OR (water NEAR/2 suppl*) OR (water NEAR/2 access) OR "water management" OR (water NEAR/2 drinking) OR (water NEAR/2 scarcity) OR handwash* OR "hand wash*" OR soap$ OR "WASH intervention*" OR "piped water" OR "tippy tap*" OR (water NEAR/2 point) OR (water NEAR/2 service) OR (water NEAR/2 security) OR (water NEAR/2 insecurity) OR "open defecat*" OR (hygiene NEAR/2 promo*) OR "water filter" OR "water pump*" OR "menstrual poverty" OR "period poverty" OR handpump* OR "hand pump*" OR (water NEAR/2 collection) OR "water committee*" OR "water well*" | AND | gender* OR discrimination* OR *equalit* OR *equit* OR inclusive OR "sexual minorit*" OR transgender OR femin* OR masculin* OR menstr* OR menses OR UTI OR "urinary tract infection" OR uro$genital OR pain OR *empower* OR school* OR educat* OR violen* OR psychosocial OR "psycho‐social" OR "psycho social" OR "psychological *stress" OR "mental health" OR dignity OR fear* OR taboo* OR elder* OR disabilit* OR caste OR "social class*" OR daughter* OR girl* OR boy$ OR child* OR prestig* OR sham* OR stigma OR privacy OR voice* OR well$being* OR povert* OR "unpaid labor" OR "unpaid labour" OR livelihood* OR income OR fetch* OR esteem* OR "social capital" OR "land tenure" OR leadership OR time$saving OR "transactional sex" OR musco$skeletal OR musculoskeletal OR wife OR wives OR husband$ OR "decision‐making" OR "decision making" |
Note: This search yielded 27500 results in Web of Science Core Collections for Topic search (including search on title, abstract and keywords) with a subscription of the University of Stockholm. The search was performed on 16 October 2020 for literature published between 2010 and 2020, and filtered to English, Spanish and French languages only.