Table 5.
PES programme | # of qualitative studies | |
China | SLCP | 10 |
PLDL | 1 | |
DCBT | 1 | |
Costa Rica | PSA | 10 |
RISEMP | 1 | |
Mexico | PSAH | 4 |
MBCF | 2 | |
PESL | 1 | |
Ecuador | Socio Bosque | 6 |
Columbia | Silvopastoral Project | 4 |
Mozambique | Nhambita PES project | 4 |
Cambodia | PES | 3 |
Nepal | REDD | 3 |
Tanzania | EPWS | 2 |
Uganda | PES | 1 |
Cambodia | Conservation agreement | 1 |
Malawi | ICRAF | 1 |
Brazil | PAS | 1 |
Abbreviations: DCBT, Desertification Combating Program around Beijing and Tianjin; EPWS, Equitable Payment for Watershed Services; MBCF, Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund; PES, payment for environmental service; PESL, Programa Especial de la Selva Lacandona; PLDL, Paddy Land‐to‐Dry Land; PSA, Programa de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales; PSAH, Payments for Hydrological Services Program; REDD, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation; RISEMP, Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Approaches to Ecosystem Management Project; SLCP, Sloping Land Conversion Program.